Minor / Certificate in Diversity and Global Studies

Minor in Diversity and Global Studies - Electives

While the intention of the minor in Diversity and Global Studies is to be inclusive of multiple disciplines, the following guidelines on the selection of electives will apply.

Students, in consultation with their academic advisor, may select two courses already included as part of their approved program of study that fulfill the following three criteria* in their learning objectives:

  1. Gain an understanding of structural and institutional hierarchies based on one or more of the social categories of race, class, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexuality, age, and abilities/disabilities explored within diverse local/ global contexts
  2. Think critically, and with an open mind, about controversial contemporary and historical issues that stem from the social categories described above within local/ global contexts
  3. Develop responsible citizens by examining the ways power and privilege affect human lives and providing pathways to meaningful and positive change


Students may select from any of the following restricted electives**:

  • EDF 3610 – Education in a Multicultural Society
  • EDF 3203 – Equity Issues in Multicultural Education
  • INR 4075 – Politics of Human Rights
  • INR 4350 – Global Environmental Politics and Policies
  • PAX 3001 – Introduction to Peace Studies
  • WST 4113 – Women’s International Human Rights
  • SPC 4712 – Gender Race and Communication
  • LIN 4600 – Sociolinguistics
  • MMC 4301 – International Communication
  • SYP 4453 – Global Social Change
  • SYP 4454 – Globalization and Social Movements
  • SYD 3700 – Race and Ethic Relations
  • ANT 4274 – Anthropology of Politics
  • ANT 4409 – Anthropology of Peace and Violence
  • GEA 4405 – Culture and Environment; Latin America and the Caribbean

* Criteria established by the Diversity Council, adapted for global contexts.
** Additional courses open to students of multiple majors are welcome for consideration.

Certificate in Diversity and Global Studies - Electives

While the intention of the certificate in Diversity and Global Studies is to be inclusive of multiple disciplines, the following guidelines on the selection of electives will apply.

Students, in consultation with an academic advisor, may select two courses already included as part of their approved program of study that fulfill the following three criteria* in their learning objectives:

  1. Gain an understanding of structural and institutional hierarchies based on one or more of the social categories of race, class, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion, sexuality, age, and abilities/disabilities explored within diverse local/ global contexts
  2. Think critically, and with an open mind, about controversial contemporary and historical issues that stem from the social categories described above within local/ global contexts
  3. Develop responsible citizens by examining the ways power and privilege affect human lives and providing pathways to meaningful and positive change


Students may select from any of the following restricted electives**:

  • EDF 3610 – Education in a Multicultural Society
  • EDF 3203 – Equity Issues in Multicultural Education
  • EDF 2085 – Introduction to Diversity for Educators
  • SOW 1005 – Global Perspectives of Social Services
  • INR 4075 – Politics of Human Rights
  • INR 4350 – Global Environmental Politics and Policies
  • PAX 3001 – Introduction to Peace Studies
  • WST 4113 – Women’s International Human Rights
  • LIN 2607 – Global Perspectives on Languages
  • MMC 4301 – International Communication
  • SYP 4453 – Global Social Change
  • SYP 4454 – Globalization and Social Movements
  • ANT 4274 – Anthropology of Politics
  • ANT 4409 – Anthropology of Peace and Violence

* Criteria established by the Diversity Council, adapted for global contexts.
** Additional courses open to students of multiple majors are welcome for consideration.