Graduate Teaching Assistantships

In their applications, doctoral applicants may request a Graduate Teaching Assistantship (GTA), which comes with a stipend and tuition waiver (which eliminates tuition and non-resident fees); students are responsible for all other required student fees. GTA positions are limited in number, available on a competitive basis, and only offered with fall admission. Assignments are offered for a full academic year and involve teaching one undergraduate course in the fall and spring semesters. GTA positions require that students maintain full time status by enrolling in 3 courses (9 credits) in both the fall and spring semesters, and between 1 to 3 courses (3-9 credits) in the summer semester.

Teaching assignments require both time and effort. Although it is not necessary to leave current full-time positions (for those who are employed full-time), faculty strongly encourage those students awarded GTAs to reduce their full-time work status to accommodate teaching an undergraduate course (likely, for the first time) and enrolling in 3 courses each semester (full time status). This recommendation is intended to ensure that doctoral students don’t overextend themselves in the crucial acclimation period of the first year (or subsequent years) in the program.

For college level scholarships, please click here

For financial aid options, please click here