The Weizmann Institute, Israel
The Weizmann Institute, Israel

Florida-Israel Institute

The Florida Israel Institute (FII) is a public organization that was created by the Florida Legislature and is administered jointly by Florida Atlantic University and Broward College. Its primary purpose is to promote the development of enhanced governmental, economic, technological, cultural, educational and social ties between the State of Florida and the State of Israel.

This mission is achieved through the formation of cooperative initiatives in research, academic development, student and faculty exchange, cultural exchange, and technical assistance between Florida and Israeli institutions of higher learning as well as private sector commercial endeavors.

The Institute acts as a facilitator forging collaborative efforts between Israel’s world renowned academic institutions and Israel’s highly innovative hi-tech industry with Florida’s higher-education institutions and Florida industry in areas essential to both states.

FII shall seek to co-sponsor visits from Israeli cultural artists, sponsor a monthly Israeli film series, invite Israeli faculty for academic collaboration, facilitate research initiatives, award legislature-approved tuition waivers, develop study abroad programs in Israel for Florida college and university students, and facilitate academic and other (e.g., business, technological) delegations to Israel.