Lasmézas Laboratory at the Stiles-Nicholson Brain Institute
Our mission is to understand, prevent and halt neurodegeneration
The Lasmézas lab aims at unraveling fundamental mechanisms leading to Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and other debilitating neurodegenerative diseases. By 2030, an estimated 70 million people will suffer from Alzheimer's related dementia worldwide and 9 million from Parkinson's disease. There is an urgent need to understand cellular death pathways and resistance mechanisms in order to devise new ways to prevent and/or treat neurodegenerative diseases. These disorders share a common mechanism where the dysfunction and death of brain cells is due to the toxicity of abnormally shaped and aggregated proteins which propagate from cell to cell. The Lasmézas group developed a new drug discovery platform tailored for this neurodegenerative mechanism, identified a novel target for Parkinson's disease, and discovered the role of alterations in the metabolism of the bioenergetic molecule NAD in neurodegeneration. Current studies build on these discoveries and aim at understanding how toxic amyloidogenic proteins accumulating during aging induce the demise of NAD metabolism in neurons and other cell types, identification of new therapeutic targets and development of new disease models as well as biomarkers to support translational efforts.

Principal Investigator