Internships: Application Procedures

  1. Email the COM 3945 supervisor ( for updated course enrollment instructions and semester-specific deadlines or with relevant questions.

  2. Secure an appropriate internship, one clearly related to one of the Communication School majors or minors (including journalism, communication studies, film/video/new media, and public relations). Students can find employer-posted internship opportunities 1) on FAU Handshake, which is maintained by the Career Center (FAU - Career Center), 2) on their own and 3) with possible assistance from the COM 3945 supervisor.

  3. Run the internship situation (optional) past the course supervisor via email to confirm it is potentially approvable.

  4. Complete and submit the COM 3945-specific application form by going to Sign In | Handshake (students should already have a Handshake account through FAU and need only log onto the site). On ce you reach the home page choose Career Center on the left-hand navigation column, then Experiences, then “Request an Experience” and finally the semester-specific COM 3945 application form from the drop-down menu. Fill out the form, which will be reviewed by the Career Center, your employer, and the Communication School.