Gerald Sim



Gerald Sim
PhD, Film Studies, University of Iowa
BS, Biology, Duke

Phone : (561) 297-2050
Areas of Expertise: American and Postcolonial Cinema, Critical Theory,
Digital Cultures

Gerald Sim’s research and teaching is grounded in theoretically informed film and media studies. His publications span postcolonial cinema, digital culture, financial media, film music, and race.

In the coming semesters, through classes on film theory and new media, his research turns to data studies. He is particularly interested in how data epistemologies determine the limits of our political agency. The project originates from earlier essays about digital culture and new media historiography. He is currently thinking about cultural representations and metaphors of Big Data as a way to understand datafication and its place in the public imagination. 

He returned to FAU in Fall’17 after a pair of external postings as the Lee Kong Chian NUS-Stanford Distinguished Fellow on Contemporary Southeast Asia for 2016-17. He spent the Fall Quarter of 2016 as a Visiting Scholar at Stanford’s Walter H. Shorenstein Asia Pacific Research Center, then the following spring at the National University of Singapore. Before those stints, he completed a summer stint at the Asia Research Institute on a Visiting Senior Research Fellowship funded by the Henry Luce Foundation.

(Photo by Rod Searcey)

Recent Publications

“Postcolonial Cacophonies: Yasmin Ahmad’s Sense of the World,” positions: asia critique 26, 3 (2018): 389-421.

“Individual Disruptors and Economic Gamechangers: Netflix, New Media, and Neoliberalism,” in The Netflix Effect: Technology and Entertainment in the 21st Century, edited by Kevin McDonald and Daniel Smith-Rowsey (New York: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016).

"Race and the Cinematic “Machine”," in The Routledge Companion to Media and Race, edited by Christopher P. Campbell (New York: Routledge, 2016).

Subject of Film and Race The Subject of Film and Race: Retheorizing Politics, Ideology, and Cinema is the first comprehensive intervention into how film critics and scholars have sought to understand cinema's relationship to racial ideology. MORE...

"Social Justice and Cinema," in Routledge International Handbook of Social Justice, edited by Michael Reisch (London: Routledge, 2014), 502-12.

"The Other Person in the Bathroom: Mixed Emotions about Cognitivist Film Music Theory," Quarterly Review of Film and Video 30.4 (2012): 309-322.

"Jim Cramer's Mad Money: Disavowals of a Late Capitalist Investor," Rethinking Marxism 24.2 (2012): 307-316.

"When and Where is the Digital Revolution in Cinematography?" Projections 6.1 (2012): 79-100.

Festival reports from the very excellent True/False Film Festival in Columbia, Missouri, for Framework (2013, 2012, 2011, 2010).

"Said's Marxism: Orientalism's Relationship to Film Studies and Race." Discourse 34.2 (2012): 240-262.


FIL 2000: Film Appreciation

FIL 4037: Film Since the 1940’s

VIC 4943: Multimedia Practicum

FIL 3803: Film Theory

FIL 4036: Film to the 1940s

FIL 4843: Studies in Asian Cinema

FIL 4851: Film Criticism

COM 4332: Studies in New Media

MMC 6715: Studies in New Media (grad)

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