Peter Cruise, Ph.D.
Affiliate Associate Professor Executive Director, LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy School of Public Administration
School of Public Administration
Florida Atlantic University
Social Sciences Building, Room SO 202
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991
(561) 297-4049
Peter L. Cruise, Ph.D. is Executive Director of the LeRoy Collins Public Ethics Academy and Affiliate Associate Professor at Florida Atlantic University. In March 2018, Dr. Cruise was appointed as a Palm Beach County Ethics Commissioner. Both his academic and professional careers have been focused on improving the ethical climate in public sector programs and organizations. Since graduating with his Ph.D. in Public Administration from FAU in 1995, he has taught ethics and organizational behavior in both undergraduate and graduate students in universities in Virginia, Ohio, California, Florida, and Louisiana. Before his teaching career, Dr. Cruise spent 12 years working in management positions in a variety of health and human service settings. He has been a reviewing editor for the Jossey-Bass/John Wiley Health Care Management Book Series, the Journal of Health and Human Services Administration , and the e-journal Global Virtue Ethics Review . Dr. Cruise is past Chair of the American Society for Public Administration’s Section on Health and Human Services Administration. In 1995, Dr. Cruise received the Doctor of Philosophy degree in Public Administration from Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, Florida. Dr. Cruise’s research interests include organizational ethics, values-based management, and ethnographic approaches in human services planning and evaluation. He has presented the results of these and other research efforts at regional, national and international academic conferences. Dr. Cruise is the co-editor of the Handbook of Organization Theory and Management: The Philosophical Approach (2nd Edition, 2006). In April 2015, Dr. Cruise was selected by the faculty the College of Design and Social Inquiry at Florida Atlantic University as a Distinguished Alumnus. Dr. Cruise has also published in such peer-reviewed journals as Administration & Society, Ethnicity & Disease, Evaluation and the Health Professions, International Journal of Public Administration, International Journal of Organization Theory and Behavior, International Review of Public Administration, Journal of Health and Human Services Administration, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Managed Care Quarterly, Public Administration and Policy, Public Administration Quarterly, and Social Service Review.