Keynote Speaker – Global Assembly of Book Distributors
Monday, Sep 30, 2019Dr. Ali Farazmand was selected as this year’s keynote speaker at the World Conference of the Global Assembly of Book Distributors in Moscow, September 16-20, 2019 held at Moscow Polytechnic University.
His speech, Reading: The Key to the Development of Human Cognitive, Emotional, and Brain Capacities, focused on reading and how it impacts the human brain in terms of its cognitive and emotional capacities, as well as human productivity. Dr. Farazmand also discussed the role of technology as a helpful reading tool, but also how it has contributed to a decline in overall reading trends.
The keynote also covered the philosophical realms of humanity and civilization, and how “reading-technology-education-empathy-relationships”, especially for children, are reshaping the future of humanity. Lastly, Dr. Farazmand shared implications for public policy, as well as publishers, book distributors, instructors, and students.