Dr. Aimee Kanner
Associate Professor
Phone: (561) 297-3210
Curriculum Vitae
Research: European Union, Latin American Politics, Regional Integration
Teaching: Comparative Politics, Politics of European Union, Latin American Politics, Comparative European Politics
Dr. Kanner received her Ph.D. in International Studies from the University of Miami in 2001. She was formerly the Associate Director of the Miami European Union Center, serving also as an editor, research associate, and program consultant. Dr. Kanner's interests include comparative politics and international relations, particularly in the areas of Europe and Latin America. She has published several works including “European Union External Relations with the Andean Community: A Governance Approach,” in Joaquín Roy and Roberto Domínguez (eds.), The European Union and Regional Integration: A Comparative Perspective and Lessons for the Americas (U of Miami, 2005); “La Convención Europea: ¿Una Constitución para Europa?” in Alejandro Chanona, Roberto Domínguez, and Joaquín Roy (coordinators), La Unión Europea y el TLCAN (México: UNAM, 2003); “La institucionalidad del MERCOSUR,” in Roberto Domínguez Rivera, Joaquín Roy, and Rafael Velázquez Flores, Retos e Interrelaciones de la integración regional: Europa y América (México: Plaza y Valdés, 2003); and with Joaquín Roy, “ Spain and Portugal : Partners in Development and Democracy,” in Eleanor E. Zeff and Ellen B. Pirro (eds.), The European Union and the Member States: Cooperation, Coordination and Compromise (Lynne Rienner, 2001); and España y Portugal en la Unión Europea (México: UNAM, 2001).