Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education (CHHRE)
The Gutterman Family Center relies on the private support of generous donors for its existence. Gifts to the Gutterman Center ensure that young people today are taught about injustices brought against humanity, by offering them the best tool that they need, to stop future genocides from happening again - Education is our best hope against hatred! Help us keep that hope alive! WE ARE FUNDED ENTIRELY BY PRIVATE DONATIONS.
The Center is a 501c3. If you would like to make a donation to the CHHRE, you may do so online at, or you may mail a tax deductible donation to the Center at the following address:
Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center
for Holocaust and Human Rights/Foundation
777 Glades Road, Bldg 52, Room 110
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Make your check payable to:
FAU Foundation/Arthur and Emalie Gutterman Family Center for Holocaust and Human Rights Education.
To explore establishing an endowment, making a gift through a stock transfer, estate gift designation or other gift opportunities, contact Laurie Carney, Senior Director of Development and Outreach at 561-297-3606 or