
Contact Us

Please note: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the PJHR Director and Program Coordinator will be working remotely for the fall 2020 semester, so please use email to contact them. They will not be on-site to answer their campus phone lines during this period.

Angela D. Nichols
Executive Director
Phone: 561-297-4920
Email: nicholsa@fau.edu or pjhr@fau.edu

Luciana De Souza
Coordinator of Interdisciplinary Programs
Phone: 561-297-4801
Email: Llima5@fau.edu or pjhr@fau.edu

The main Peace, Justice, and Human Rights office is located at AH 209B, inside the School for Interdisciplinary Studies suite (AH room 211) at Florida Atlantic University on the Boca Campus.

Click here  for our location on the Boca Raton campus as well as closest metered parking.