FAU Department of Music is Finalist for Impact 100 Palm Beach County $100,000 Grant

by P Burks | Thursday, May 21, 2020
Impact 100 Palm Beach County’s Arts, Culture and Historic Preservation Grant

Florida Atlantic University’s Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters recently announced that the Department of Music is one of two finalists for Impact 100 Palm Beach County’s Arts, Culture and Historic Preservation Grant. Finalists will compete “virtually” to their more than 500 members with the potential to win a $100,000 grant for their high impact project.

The Department of Music applied for funds as part of their “Keep the Music Playing” initiative. Under the direction of Kyle Prescott, director of bands, FAU holds an annual summer band camp for at risk students in elementary school. In this new initiative, working with colleague DaLaine Chapman, associate professor of music education, Prescott would be able to broaden these efforts to accommodate middle and high school students during the upcoming academic year and for summer 2021.

“‘Keep the Music Playing’ is an innovative approach to keeping our youth engaged in learning through weekly mentoring by FAU Music Education majors supervised by our world-class music faculty,” said Michael Horswell, dean of FAU’s Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters. “Our mission as a public university is to work with community schools like those targeted in this project and support the educators dedicated to our underserved students in Palm Beach County. We are honored to be selected as a finalist for this grant by this incredible organization.”

Prescott will present virtually to the members of Impact 100 Palm Beach County at the end of May with votes tabulated and awards recipients announced on Thursday, May 28. Impact 100 Palm Beach County is a women’s charitable organization funding local non-profit initiatives in southern Palm Beach County.

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