Somaesthetics Texts by Other Authors

in English

  • Abrams, Jerold J. "Aesthetics and Ethics: Santayana, Nietzsche, and Shusterman." The Modern Schoolman, 81(2004): 233-266.
  • ___. "Aesthetics of Self-Fashioning and Cosmopolitanism: Foucault and Rorty on the Art of Living." Philosophy Today, Summer, (2002): 185-192.
  • ___. "Pragmatism, Artificial Intelligence, and Posthuman Bioethics: Shusterman, Rorty, and Foucault."Human Studies, 27 (2004): 241-258.
  • Acampora, Ralph R. Corporal compassion: animal ethics and philosophy of body. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2006.
  • Alison, Aurosa. "Performativity and Aesthetic Experience of the City. From the body of the flâneur to the soma of the Man in Gold." Itinera: rivista di filosofia e teoria delle arti 25 (2023): 234-251.
  • Alston, Kal. "The Locus of the Self." Philosophy of Education, (2007): 38-41.
  • Ames, Roger T. "’Bodyheartminding’ (Xin 心): Reconceiving the Inner Self and the Outer World in the Language of Holographic Focus and Field." Front. Philos. China 10.2 (2015): 167-180.
  • Anderson, Brian. "Entheogenic Visions: The Sacred Union of Word & Image." Penn Humanities Forum On Word and Image, (2005-2006): 1-33.
  • Andrzejewski, Adam. "Aesthetic Eating." Croatian Journal of Philosophy, 62 (2021): 269-84. 
  • Arnold, Peter J. "Somaesthetics, Education, and the Art of Dance." Journal of Aesthetic Education, 39.1 (2005): 48-64.
  • Bae, Jiyun. "Somaesthetics as pragmatism: the influence of John Dewey on somaesthetics and implications for the philosophy of physical education." Japanese Journal for Physical Education, Health, and Sports Science, 63 (2018): 185-198.
  • ___. "Somaesthetics and yoga." Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 47:2 (2020): 217-231.
  • ___. 2022. "Book Review of Richard Shusterman, Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love. Cambridge University Press, 2021". Sophia University Studies in Physical Education, 55 (2023),  75-78.
  • Barber, Daniel. Somaesthetic Awareness and Artistic Practice: A review essay. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 9 (Review 1). (2008):
  • Bartczak, Kacper. "Bodies that Sing: Somaesthetics in the American Poetic Tradition." Pragmatism Today: The Journal of the Central-European Pragmatist Forum 3.2 (Winter 2012): 29-39.
  • Beaudry, Lucie. "Somatic education and embodied discourses: Using the Feldenkrais Method to challenge dominant discourses in the sexually abused body context." Journal of Dance & Somatic Practices, 2015.
  • Been, Wouter de. “Art, Science and the Poetry of Justice – ­Pragmatist Aesthetics and Its Importance for Law and Legal Education.” Law and Method, 2021.
  • Bergström, Ilias. Jonsson, Martin. "Sarka: Sonification and Somaesthetic Appreciation Design."  Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Movement and Computing - MOCO '16 (2016). 
  • Bernasconi, Renato. 2022. “Editorial: Emancipatory Ways of Feeling (the Body As a Subversive Project)”. Diseña, no. 20: Editorial.
  • Bhatt, Ritu, ed.  “Everyday Aesthetics of Embodiment.” Rethinking Aesthetics: The Role of Body in Design. New York: Routledge, 2013.
  • Biesta, Gert. "Who is There? Finding the Other in the Self" Philosophy of Education, (2007): 42-45.
  • Bogden, Deanne. "Betwixt and Between: Working Through the Aesthetic in Philosophy of Education: George F. Kneller Lecture, Conference of the American Educational Studies Association Savannah, Georgia, October 30, 2008." Educational Studies 46.3 (2010): 291-316.
  • Bokiniec, Monika. "'Body Trouble?" Somaesthetics and Feminism in Shusterman's Pragmatism: Between Literature and Somaesthetics. Koczanowica, Dorota and Wojciech Malecki, eds., 163-172.
  • Bonnet, T.J. “Addressing Common Misunderstandings of Somaesthetics.” Contemporary Pragmatism 20, no. 4 (November 24, 2023): 378–97.
  • Botha, Catherine F. "Gender and Humanoid Robots: A Somaesthetic Analysis." Filosofia Theoretica: Journal of African Philosophy, Culture and Religions, 10.3 (2021).
  • Brand, Peggy Zeglin and Mary Devereaux. Women, art, and aesthetics. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2003.
  • Bratkowski, Tad. "Investigating the Relevance of Shusterman’s Somaesthetics to Motion-Controlled Gaming." Pragmatism Today: The Journal of the Central-European Pragmatist Forum 3.2 (Winter 2012): 50-56.
  • Bredella, Nathalie. "Architecture and Atmosphere: Technology and the Concept of the Body," 11th International Bauhaus Colloquium Weimar, April 1st-5th 2009: Architecture in the Age of Empire. Weimar: Bauhaus-Universitat. 2011.
  • Bresler, Liora. "Embodied Narrative Inquiry: A Methodology of Connection." Research Studies in Education 27.1 (2006): 21-43.
  • Buch, Anders and Schatzki, Theodore R., eds. “Somaesthetic Practice and the Question of Norms.” Questions of Practice in Philosophy and Social Theory. New York/London: Routledge. (2018): 136-153. 
  • Budziak, Anna "The Idea of Emotion in T. S. Eliot and in Richard Shusterman in Shusterman's Pragmatism: Between Literature and Somaesthetics, Koczanowica, Dorota and Wojciech Malecki, eds. 33-49.
  • Bukdahl, Else Marie. "New visual dialogues and new art projects with a social and meliorist goal in the urban space and at sea." Journal of Urban Culture Research. Forthcoming.
  • Carducci, Vince. "Are You Experienced?" Metro Times Detroit, (12/25/2002).
  • Carter, Curtis. "Review of Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics." Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 2008(?): 419-422.
  • ___. "Somaesthetics and Dance." Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (2015): 100-115.
  • ___. “The Philosopher without Words: Philosophy as Performative Art with L’homme en or." Unsettled Boundaries: Philosophy, Art, Ethics, East/West. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2017.
  • Chase, Michael; Clark, Stephen R.L. and McGee, Michael, eds."Philosophy as a Way of Life: As Textual and More Than Textual Practice."  Philosophy as a Way of Life: Ancients and Moderns: Essays in Honor of Pierre Hadot. Oxford: Wiley Blackwell, 2013.
  • Chung, Wing Yi; Li, Sun Min; Ip, Emily and Schiphorst, Theela. " The Wearable Self: Braiding a Feminist Critique within a Somaesthetics Framework for Design." Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on 3rd International Conference on Design, User Experience and Usability. (2017.)
  • Creely, Edwin. ‘Method(ology), pedagogy and praxis: a phenomenology of the pre-performative training regime of Phillip Zarrilli." Theatre, Dance, and Peformance Training. 1:2, 214-228. 21 Sep 2010
  • Crescimanno, Emanuele. “Estetica, Somaestetica Ed Educazione Estetica.” In Educare La Comunità, edited by Francesca Anello, 141–49. Milano: F. Angeli, 2014.
  • Cunningham, Craig A. 2008. "Book Review: Richard Shusterman, Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics," Education and Culture 24 (2): 54-59.
  • Demir, Arife Dila, Kristi Kuusk, and Nithikul Nimkulrat. 2022. “Squeaky/Pain: Articulating the Felt Experience of Pain for Somaesthetic Interactions.” Temes de Disseny 38: 162-178.
  • Dhillon, Pradeep. "At Home: Somaesthetics and Re-Education in Architecture from a Global Perspective." Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (2015): 116-134.
  • Dobrowolski, Robert, and Krzysztof Pezdek. “Movement as a Somaesthetic Source of Subjectivity.” Frontiers in Psychology 12 (2021): 1-9.
  • Doddington, Christine. "Education in the Open: The Somaesthetic Value of Being Outside." Other Education: The Journal of Educational Alternatives, 3.1 (2014): 41-59.
  • Dolezal, Luna. "Thinking through the Body with Richard Shusterman."International Journal of Philosohical Studies, Vol. 22, Issue 1 (2014): 129-141.
  • Dong Ghu, Ming, ed. “Spontaneity and reflection: The Dao of somaesthetics.” Why Traditional Chinese Philosophy Still Matters: The Relevance of Ancient Wisdom for the Global Age. London/New York: Routledge' (2018) : 133-144.
  • Edgar, Andrew. "Book Review: Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love.British Journal of Aesthetics (2021): 1-4. 
  • Engel, Liz. "Experience of body/self as the primary ground of life/art creation: A phenomenological case study of Rolfing." Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy 3.2 (2008): 107-118.
  • English, Fenwick W., and Rosemary Papa. “Aesthetics of Leadership.” In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2020.
  • Fahy, George. " Book Review of Body Consciousness : A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics." Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy. ( 2009):10-12
  • Feng, Peng. "Perfectionism Between Pragmatism and Confucianism" Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 21(1-2) (2008): 21-38.
  • Fitz-Gibbon, Andrew. "Somaesthetics: Body Consciousness and Nonviolence," Social Philosophy Today 28 (2012): 85-99.
  • ____. "Somaesthetics: Possibilities for Philosophical Practices." Philosophical Practice. 8.2 (2013): 1192-1200.
  • Fischer-Lichte, Erika and Wihstutz, Benjamin, eds. • “Somaesthetics and Self-Cultivation in Chinese Art.”  Transformative Aesthetics. (2017). 83-109.
  • Folde, Christian. "Grounding Interpretation." The British Journal of Aesthetics. Oxford University Press. 2015.
  • Forry, Joan Grassbaugh. "Somaesthetics and Philosophical Self-Cultivation: An Intersection Between Philosophy and Sport."Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucenis Gymnica. 36.2 (2006): 25-38.
  • Fraser Berndtsson, Mary. "Towards a theoretical perspective of "vibrant physicality": From "sociology of the body" to an "embodied sociology" and beyond." Lunds universitet/Avdelningen för sociologi, 2010. (Lund University Department of Sociology, 2010).
  • Gallagher, Shaun "Somaesthetics and the Care of the Body." Metaphilosophy 42:3 (2011):305-313.
  • Garrison, James. "Reconsidering Richard Shusterman’s Somaesthetics. The Confucian Debate between Mèng Zĭ and Xún Zĭ." Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (2015): 135-155.
  • Gayman, Cynthia. "Book Review of Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics." Journal of Speculative Philosophy 22.3 ( 2008) 225-227.
  • Ginot, Isabelle. "From Shusterman’s Somaesthetics to a Radical Epistemology of Somatics." Dance Research Journal. 42.1 (2010): 12-29.
  • Girel, Mathias. "Perfectionism in Practice: Shusterman’s Place in Recent Pragmatism." Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (2015): 156-179.
  • Granger, David A. "Somaesthetics and Racism: Toward an Embodied Pedagogy of Difference." The Journal of Aesthetic Education. 44.3 (2010): 69-81.
  • Grassbaugh-Fory, Joan. "Somaesthetics and Philosophical Self-Cultivation: An Intersection of Philosophy and Sport." Acta Universitatis Palackinae Olomucensis Gymnica, 36.2 (2006): 25-28.
  • Grantham, Weronika; Jespersen, Ejgil and Plaszewski, Maciej, eds.; "Dancing my scoliosis: an autoethnography of healing from bodily doubt through somatic practices." February 2020. Qualitiative Research in Sport.
  • Griffero, Tonino. “Atmospheric Habitualities: Aesthesiology of the Silent Body.” Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience, no. 20 (September 15, 2023).
  • Grušovnik, Tomaž. "Somaesthetics and democracy: from theory to practice - considering advertising of the equality based in public perception of the bodily differences." Mednarodni znanstveni sestanek Svoboda in demokracija: evropske percepcije, evropske perspektive, Koper, 4.-6. December 2008, Letn. 13, št. 9 (2008), str. 52-53. (International Scientific Meeting of Freedom and Democracy: European perception of the European perspective. Koper. 4-6 December 2008, Vol. 13, no. 9 (2008), p. 52-53.
  • Guerra, Gustavo. "Practicing Pragmatism: Richard Shusterman’s Unbound Philosophy." Journal of Aesthetic Education, 36.4 (2002): 70-83.
  • Groschner, A.; Koopman, C. and Sandbothe, M. “Pragmatism and Cultural Politics: Variations on a Rortian Theme." Richard Rorty: From Pragmatist Philosophy to Cultural Politics." London: Continuum, 2013.
  • Hantzis, Giorgos. "An Unexpected Sequel to Neopragmatism: From Richard Rorty's Aesthetic Textualism to Richard Shusterman's Somaesthetics." 23rd World Congress of Philosophy (2013): 1-8.
  • Haskins, Casey. "Enlivened Bodies, Authenticity, and Romanticism." Journal of Aesthetic Education, 36.4 (2002): 84-101.
  • Hassanpoor, Hossein, Ali Fallah, and Mohsin Raza. 2012. “New Role for Astroglia in Learning: Formation of Muscle Memory.” Medical Hypotheses 79 (6): 770–73.
  • Haynes, Alice, Courtney Reed, Charlotte Nordmoen, and Sophie Skach. “Being Meaningful: Weaving Soma-Reflective Technological Mediations into the Fabric of Daily Life.” Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, February 26, 2023, 1–5.
  • Heinrich, Falk. A Somaesthetics of Performative Beauty. New York: Routledge, 2023.
  • Heyes, Cressida J. Self-transformations: Foucault, Ethics, and Normalized bodies. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.
  • Higgins, Kathleen Marie. "Living and Feeling at Home: Shusterman’s Performing Live" Journal of Aesthetic Education, 36.4 (2002): 84-92.
  • Higgins, Kathleen Marie, Casey Haskins, and Richard Shusterman. "Symposium: On Richard Shusterman's "Performing Live"" Journal of Aesthetic Education 36.4 (Winter 2002): 84-115.
  • Higuchi, Satoshi. "Eastern Mind-Body Theory and Somaesthetics." Concepts of Aesthetic Education: Japanese and European Perspectives. Eds. Yasuo Imai and Christoph Wulf. München/Berlin,2007, 88-96.
  • Holgersen, Sven-Erik. "Body Consciousness and Somaesthetics in Music Education." Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 9:1 (2010): 31-44.
  • Holloway, Kenneth W. "Guodian: A New Window for Understanding the Introduction of Buddhism into China." In: Chan, S. (eds) Dao Companion to the Excavated Guodian Bamboo Manuscripts. Cambridge: Springer, 2019.
  • Holloway, Kenneth W., ed. Buddhism and the Body. Vol. 7. Studies in Somaesthetics. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
  • Höök, Kristina, Anna Ståhl, Martin Jonsson, Johanna Mercurio, Anna Karlsson, and Eva-Carin Banka Johnson. "Somaesthetic Design." Interactions 22.4 (2015): 26-33.
  • ___. "Soma Design - Intertwining Aesthetics, Ethics and Movement." TEI '20: Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. February, 2020.
  • Höök, Kristina, Steve Benford, Paul Tennent, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Miquel Alfaras, Juan Martinez Avila, Christine Li, et al. “Unpacking Non-Dualistic Design: The Soma Design Case.” ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction 28, no. 6 (December 31, 2021): 1–36.
  • Iedema, Rick. "Sources of Safety: Reflexive Practice." Centre for Health Communication. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. University of Technology, Syndey, Australia. 2007
  • Imko, Sandra Katarzyna. "Unravelling the Interplay between Materials, Senses and Perception in Magdalena Abakanowicz’s Weaving Art." Roczniki Kulturoznawcze 15.1 (2024): 71-88.
  • Irvin, Sherri, ed.  “Somaesthetics and the Fine Art of Eating.” Body Aesthetics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
  • Jay, Martin. "Somaesthetics and Democracy: Dewey and Contemporary Body Art." Journal of Aesthetic Education, 36.4 (2002): 55-68.
  • ___. Reprinted in Martin Jay, Refractions of Violence (New York: Routledge, 2003).
  • Johnston, James S. "Reflections on Richard Shusterman’s Dewey." Journal of Aesthetic Education, 38.4 (Winter 2004): 99-108.
  • Jolles, Marjorie. "Between Embodied Subjects and Objects: Narrative Somaesthetics." Hypatia 27:2 (2012): 301–318.
  • Jones II, Robert W. "Somaesthetics and Literary Criticism,"Alluvium: 21st-Century Writing, 21st-Century Approaches 2.2(2013): n. pag. Web.
  • Joranger, Line. "Book Review: Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love." Psychology of Women Quarterly 1 (2021): 436.
  • Kallio, Titti. "Why we choose the More Attractive Looking Objects Somatic Markers and Somaesthetics In User Experience" DPPI 03 (2003):142-143.
  • Kapadocha, Christina. Somatic Voices in Performance: Research and Beyond. New York: Routledge (2022).
  • Kérchy, Anna. “Chimeric Visions. Posthuman Somaesthetics and Interspecies Communication in Contemporary Humanimal Body Art Performances.” Hungarian Journal of English and American Studies 26, no. 2 (2020): 395–420.
  • Kilic Afsar, Ozgun, Yoav Luft, Kelsey Cotton, Ekaterina R. Stepanova, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, Rebecca Kleinberger, Fehmi Ben Abdesslem, Hiroshi Ishii, and Kristina Höök. 2023. “Corsetto: A Kinesthetic Garment for Designing, Composing for, and Experiencing an Intersubjective Haptic Voice.” In Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–23. Hamburg: ACM.
  • Koczanowicz, Dorota, and Wojciech Małecki. Shusterman’s Pragmatism: Between Literature and Somaesthetics.
  • Koczanowicz, Leszek. 2023. The Emancipatory Power of the Body in Everyday Life: Niches of Liberation. Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • Kühnapfel, Corinna, Joerg Fingerhut, and Matthew Pelowski. “The Role of the Body in the Experience of Installation Art: A Case Study of Visitors’ Bodily, Emotional, and Transformative Experiences in Tomás Saraceno’s ‘in Orbit.’” Frontiers in Psychology 14 (2023): 1192689.
  • Lamb, Roberta. "Mind the Gap!" Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 9.1 (Jan 2010) 45-54.
  • Launay, Aude. "Richard Shusterman in conversation with Aude Launay." Blogpost, (2008).
  • Leddy, Thomas. "Shusterman’s Pragmatist Aesthetics." The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 16.1 (2002): 10-16.
  • ---. The Extraordinary in the Ordinary: The Aesthetics of Everyday Life. Ontario: Broadview Press, 2012.
  • Lee, Jessica J. "Home Life: Cultivating a Domestic Aesthetic" Contemporary Aesthetics, Vol. 8 (2010). Retrieved from
  • Lee, Wonjun and Lim, Youn-Kyung, eds. “Practicing Somaesthetics: Exploring Its Impact on Interactive Product Design Ideation." Proceedings of DIS (Designing Interactive Systems). 1055-1064. New York: ACM Press, 2014.
  • Legrand, Dorothee. "Is it good to know? Bodily self-knowledge and otherness." Encyclopaideia. Special issue. Embodiment and pedagogy. Education between phenomenology and neurocognitive sciences. 17.37 (2013). 67-90.
  • Liang, Peilin. 2024. “Towards Probody Artmaking: From Rehabilitation, Prehabilitation to Prohabilitation.” Theatre, Dance and Performance Training, August, 1–18.
  • Lindquist, Sherry C. M. 2024. The Book of Hours and the Body: Somaesthetics, Posthumanism, and the Uncanny. New York: Routledge.
  • Engel, Lis. "The Somaesthetic Dimension of Dance Art and Education—a Phenomenological and Aesthetic Analysis of the problem of Creativity in Dance." Proceedings of the "Ethics and Politics Embodied in Dance" International Dance Conference. Helsinki: Helsinki, 2004. 50-58. Web. <>.
  • Johnson, James Scott. "Reflections on Richard Shusterman's Dewey." Journal of Aesthetic Education 38.4 (Winter 2004): 99-108.
  • Koczanowicz, Leszek and Liszka, Katarzyna, eds. “Somaesthetics and Politics: Incorporating Pragmatist Aesthetics for Social Action.” Beauty, Responsibility, and Power. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2014
  • Leddy, Thomas. "Shusterman’s Thinking Through the Body and Everyday Aesthetics." Contemporary Pragmatism 12 (2015): 79-99.
  • Loke, Lian, George Poonkhin Khut and A. Baki Kocaballi. "Bodily Experience and Imagination: Desgining Ritual Interactions for Participatory Life-Art Contexts." Proceedings from the conference DIS 2012. Newcastle, UK, 2012: 779- 788.
  • Loland, Nina Waaler "The Art of Concealment in a Culture of Display: Aerobicizing Women’s and Men’s Experience and Use of their Own Bodies." Sociology of Sport Journal 17 (2000): 111-129.
  • Lloyd, Mike. "Life in the slow lane: rethinking spectacular body modification." Continuum 18.4 (2004): 555-564.
  • Lloyd, Rebecca J. and Stephen J. Smith. "Enlivening the Curriculum of Health-related Fitness."
  • Maattanen, Pentii. "Shusterman on Somatic Experience." Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 9.1 (2010): 55-66.
  • Mafalda Gamboa, Mehmet Aydın Baytaş, Sjoerd Hendriks, and Sara Ljungblad. 2023. "Wisp: Drones as Companions for Breathing." In Proceedings of the Seventeenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI '23). Article 9, 1–16.
  • Magnúsdóttir, Aðalheiður. “Somaesthetics in Design.” Norwegian University of Science and Technology, n.d.
  • Magada-Ward, Mary. "Engaging with Philosophy’s "Limit-Defying Provocateur": A Review of Shusterman’s Pragmatism: Between Literature and Somaesthetics. Contemporary Pragmatism 10.1 (June 2013): 167–174.
  • Makky, Lukas. "The Somaesthetic Principle of  'Experiencing' / Aesthetic Experience in the Oldest History of Mankind or The Importance of Complex Experience for Aesthetic Experience?" Pragmatism Today. Volume 5, Issue 2. (Winter 2014) : 25-31. 
  • Malecki, Wojciech. Embodying Pragmatism : Richard Shusterman's Philosophy and Literary Theory. Frankfurt : Lang, Peter, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2010.
  • ___. “The Invention of Pragmatist Aesthetics: Genealogical Reflections on a Notion and a Name.” Practicing Pragmatist Aesthetics: Critical Perspectives on the Arts. Amsterdam/New York: Rodopi, 2014.
  • ___.  “What Affects Are You Capable Of?” Deleuze and Pragmatism. Routledge. 2015
  • Maller, C. and Y. Strengers. "The global migration of everyday life: Investigating the practice memories of Australian migrants." Geoforum 44 (2013): 243 – 252.
  • Man, Eva Kit Wah. "A Cross-Cultural Reflection on Shusterman’s Suggestion of the ‘Transactional’ Body." Front. Philos. China 10.2 (2015) 181-191.
  • Maranan, Diego S. "Haplós: Towards Technologies for and Applications of Somaesthetics." Doctoral Thesis: Plymouth University, 2017.
  • Marino, Stefano and Matteucci, Giovanni, eds. “Fits of Fashion: The Somaesthetics of Style.” Philosophical Perspectives on Fashion. London: Bloomsbury, 2017.
  • ___. “Overcoming ‘the Penetration Model’: Rethinking Sexuality with Foucault, Shusterman, and Contemporary Feminism.” Foucault Studies 36 (2024): 170–200.
  • ___. "Popular Music, Feminism and the 'Power of the Body' in the Performance: Some remarks on Adorno, Shusterman and Pearl Jam." Popular Inquiry 12 (2022), 42-63.
  • ___. "Somaesthetics and Embodied/Enactive Philosophies of Mind." ESPES 12.2 (2023), 142-150.
  • Maranan, Diego S.; Grant, Jane; Matthias, John; Denham, Susan, ed. "Haplós: Vibrotactile Somaesthetic Technology for Body Awareness." Conference: TEI '20: Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 2019.
  • Maus, Fred Everett. "Somaesthetics of Music." Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education 9.1 (January 2010): 9-25.
  • McCarty, Luise Prior and Yoshitsugu. "East meets west in Japanese doctoral education: form, dependence, and the strange." Ethics and Education 5.1 (2010): 27-41.
  • McGuirk, Tom. “Drawing and Knowledge: Editorial.” Drawing: Research, Theory, Practice 9, no. 1 (April 1, 2024): 3–18.
  • McKerrell, S. "An Ethnography of Hearing: Somaesthetic Hearing in Traditional Music." The Body is the Message. Grazer Universitätsverlag Leykam, 2012, pp.78-89.
  • Messmer, Roland. "What is the subject matter of physical education?" Ger J Exerc Sport Res 48, 508–515 (2018). 
  • Mironcika, Svetlana; Hupfeld, Annika and Frens, Joep W. "Snap-Snap T-Shirt: Posture Awareness Through Playful and Somaesthetic Experience."  TEI '20: Fourteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, February, 2020.
  • Moen, Jin. "The Aesthetics of Human Movement." Interactive Institute and Share Studio. Department of Computer Science Daimi. 2005. Web. <>.
  • Moesgen, Tim, Ramyah Gowrishankar, and Yu Xiao. 2024. “Designing Beyond Hot and Cold – Exploring Full-Body Heat Experiences in Sauna.” Proceedings of the Eighteenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction, 1–14.
  • Montero, Barbara. "Does Bodily Awareness Interfere with Highly Skilled Movement?" Inquiry 53.2 (2010): 105-122.
  • Mugnaini, Giovanni. 2022. “Somaesthetics and Sport.” Scenari 17 (2): 129–44.
  • Mullis, Eric C. "Book Review: Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness in Somaesthetics." Journal of Aesthetic Education 45:1 (2011): 123-127.
  • ___. "Martial Somaesthetics" Journal of Aesthetic Education 47.3 (2013): 96-115.
  • ___. "Performative Somaesthetics: Principles and Scope." Journal of Aesthetic Education, 40.4 (2006): 104-117.
  • ___. "Philosophy of the Body as Introduction to Philosophy." Teaching Philosophy. 36.4 (2013): 353-372. DOI: 10.5840/teachphil20131012
  • ___. "The Pragmatist Yogi: Ancient and Contemporary Yogic Somaesthetics". The Pluralist 10.2(2015): 205-209.
  • ___. "The Violent Aesthetic: A Reconsideration of Transgressive Body Art." Journal of Speculative Philosophy, 20.2 (2006): 85-92.
  • Nielsen, Henrik Smed. "The Computer Game as a Somatic Experience." Eludamos: Journal for Computer Game Culture. 2010; 4 (1): 25-40.
  • Nikolinakos, Drakoulis. "On the Somaesthetic Project." Metascience 23, 305–309 (2014).
  • Okan, Hepşen. “A Conceptual Framework and Theoretical Analysis of Philosophical and Somaesthetics Approaches in Music and Performance Education.” International Journal of Education and Literacy Studies 11, no. 1 (2023): 222–31.
  • Olsen, Sophus Bénée. Possibilities for Somabased Design and Serious Games Towards Balence Rehabilitation Technologies: The Case for Creating Somaesthetic Experiences. Master's Thesis: Aalborg University, 2015. 
  • Parthemore, Joel. " Review of Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics." Metapsychology Online Reviews 12.40 ( 2008)
  • Payne, Phillip. "The globally great moral challenge: ecocentric democracy, values, morals and meaning." Environmental Education Research 16.1 (2010): 153-171.
  • Petersen, Elizabeth. " Designed for an Experience: The Natural Architecture of Corrales." Comedia Performance 7:1 (Spring 2010) 170-199).
  • Petitmengin, Claire, et al. "Listening from Within." Journal of Consciousness Studies. 10-12.16. (2009): 252-84.
  • Petitmengin, Claire and Michel Bitol. "The Validity of First-Person Descriptions as Authenticity and Coherence." Journal of Consciousness Studies. 10-12.16. (2009): 363-404.
  • Prelević, Ivana Stojanović. "Meliorism and Excess Aesthetics." Popular Inquiry 2 (2023): 57-69.
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  • ___. "Un philosophe dans l’ombre et la lumière.La soma-esthétique pratique et l’art photographique," Lucidité. Vues de l'intérieur: Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal 2011. Anne-Marie Ninacs (ed.), Montreal: Le Mois de la Photo à Montréal, 2011.
  • ___. "Le style somatique." Le Style en Act: Vers une pragmatique du style. Ed. Laurent Jenny. Geneve: Metis Presses, 2011. 31-58.
  • Soulez, Julliette. "Du Pluralisme Au Meliorisme, De L'experience Au Corps: Richard Shusterman." Tale(s) Magazine: Polygon (Fall 2010). Web. <>.
  • Zerbib, David "Les effets secondaires d’une philosophie douce." Le Monde (Des Livres), (30 November2007), 12.
  • ___. "Soma-ésthetique du corps absent." Penser en Corps: Soma-esthétique, art et philosophie. Ed. Barbara Formis. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2009. 113-160. Print.
  • ___.  L’expérience esthétique : de l’analyse à l’éros. Traduction de Léo Magnin et Christophe Point. Presses Universitaires de France | « Nouvelle revue d’esthétique » 2019/2 n° 24 | pages 111 à 128.                                                                        

in German

  • Böhme, Gernot. "Sömasthetik—sanft oder mit Gewalt?" Review of Richard Shusterman: Philosophie als Lebenpraxis. Wege in den Pragmatismus, Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 2001. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 5 (2002): 797-800.
  • Denker, Christian. "Geist und Verdauung: Nicht nur die Zunge erfreut sich beim Essen" Aspekte der Medizinphilosophie, Vol. 7 (2009).
  • Diaconu, Mădălina. " Amerikanischer Pragmatismus entdeckt japanisches Zazen zu: Richard Shusterman: Körper-Bewusstsein. Für eine Philosophie der Somästhetik." Review of Body Consciousness. Polylog 29 (2013): 99-102.
  • ___. "Die Liebeskunst als somästhetisches Phänomen und ihre kulturellen Spielarten: Zu: Richard Shusterman: Ars erotica. Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love." Polylog: Zeitschrift für Interkulturelles Philosophieren, 46 (2021), 134-138 
  • Gabriel, Sabine. "Biografien in leiblichen Körpern -- leibliche Körper in Biografien." Körper in biografieanalytischer Perspektive. Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2021. 
  • Ruge, Uta. Interview with Richard Shusterman "Ist man glücklicher,wenn man sich selbst kennt? Von der analytischen Philosophie zum Pragmatismus,"Feldenkrais Forum, Nov. 2010, 7-11.
  • Salaverría, Heidí. "Shusterman: Somästhetische Kohärenz des Selbst." Spielräume des Selbst, Akademie Verlag (2007), 206-225.
  • Shusterman, Richard. "Soma und Medien" Sonderdruck (1998): 114-126.
  • ___. "Der schweigende, hinkende Körper der Philosophie." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 51(2003): 1-20.
  • ___. "Somaesthetics and Self-Cultivation in Philosophy as a Way of Life." Jahrbuch fuer Lebensphilosophie, Praxis der Philosophie III . Eds. U. Gahlings, D. Croome and R. J. Kozljanic. Muenchen: Albunea Verlag 2007. 111-123.
  • ___. "Wittgensteins Somästhetik: Körperliche Gefühle in der Philosophie des Geistes, der Kunst und der Politik." Dimensionen aëstheticsher Erfahrung. Eds. J. Küpper and Christoph Menke. Frankfurt/M: Suhrkamp, 2003. 67-93.
  • ___. "Pragmatismus und Kulturpolitik.Variationen uber ein Rortysches Thema." In Alexander Gröschner and Mike Sandbothe (eds.), Pragmatismus als Kulturpolitik - Beiträge zum Werk Richard Rortys (Berlin: Suhrkamp, 2011), 111-143.
  • ___. "Soma und Psyche." Deutsche Zeitschrift Für Philosophie 59:4 (2011): 539-552.
  • ___. Körper -Bewusstsein: Für eine Philosophie der Somästhetik. (forthcoming) from Felix Meiner, Hamburg, Germany, 2012. (Translation of Body Consciousness).
  • ___. Leibliche Erfahrung in Kunst und Lebensstil. Berlin: Akademie Vertlag, 2005.
  • Malecki, Wojciech. "Von nicht-diskursiverEfharung Zur Somästhetik: Richars Shusterman über Dewey and Rorty." Deutsche Zeitschrift fuer Philosophie 56 ( 2008), 677-690.

in Chinese

  • Cai, Yixang, Chen Qi. “Webcasting in the Aesthetic Perspective of Shusterman’s Somaesthetics - The Case of K Platform.” China Radio & TV Academic Journal. Beijing: 2021:1, 68-71.
  • 蔡贻象, 陈琪:《舒斯特曼身体美学视域下的网络直播——以K 平台为例》,《中国广播电视学刊》2021年第1期。
  • 陈后亮:《身体美学与人道主义——谈舒斯特曼美学思想中的身体关切》,2009年 02期.
  • Chen Hou-liang, "Somaesthetics and Humanism-----On the Body Concerned of Shusterman’s Aesthetics", Xi'an Social Science, 2009(2).
  • 陈后亮:《美学需要肉身化吗?——论舒斯特曼身体美学的伦理关怀》,《淮海文汇》2009年第1期.
  • Chen Hou-liang, "Does the Aesthetics need to be bodily? ----Also about the Ethics Concern of Shusterman’s Somaesthetics," Literature Collection of Huaihai, 2009(1).
  • 陈望衡; 吴志翔:《审美历史演化中的身体境遇——试论身体美学何以成立》,《 西北师大学报》(社会科学版),2007第2期.
  • Chen Wang-heng; WU Zhi-xiang, "The Body's Situation in the History of Aesthetic Appreciation——How Can the Body-aesthetics Possible?" Journal of Northwest Normal University (Social Sciences), 2007(2).
  • 代迅:《压抑与反抗:身体美学及其进展》,《西南大学学报》(人文社会科学版) , 2006年 05期.
  • Dai Xun, "Repression and Resistance: Somaethestics and its Development," Journal of Southwest China Normal University (Humanities and Social Sciences Edition), 2006(5).
  • 范占平:《身体美学的启迪与反思》,《医学与哲学》(人文社会医学版),2008年 05期 .
  • FAN Zhan-ping, "A Reflection on Somaesthetics from Chinese Perspectives," Medicine & Philosophy (Humanistic & Social Medicine Edition), 2008(5).
  • Feng, Peng. "Pragmatism and Living Aesthetics: Summarizing Shusterman’s Aesthetic idea." Literary Debate (China), 2010.5.15, No.5, pp.38-43.
  • ___."Somaesthetics: Progress and Issues [MF1]―A Dialogue and Argument between American and Chinese Scholars", Academic Monthly, No.8, Vol. 37, 2007, pp. 21-28.
  • ___."Scholars", Academic Monthly, No.8, Vol. 37, 2007, pp. 21-28
  • 冯学勤:《身体美学的系谱学流派研究》,《社会科学辑刊》, 2009年第2期.
  • Feng Xue-qin, "A Genealogy Research of Somaethetics," Social Science Journal, 2009(2).
  • 冯学勤:《系谱学与身体美学:尼采、福柯、德勒兹》,《文艺理论研究》2009年第2期.
  • Feng Xue-qin, "The Genealogy and Somaesthetics: Nietzsche, Foucault, Deleuze." Theoretical Studies in Literature and Art, 2009(2).
  • 胡强:《近年来身体美学研究述论》,《阴山学刊》(人文科学版) 2007年 06期.
  • HU Qiang,A Review of the Research on Body Aesthetics in Recent Years, Yinshan Academic Journal (Social Science Edition), 2007(6).
  • 李芳:《中西方"身体美学"研究路径比较》,《考试周刊》2008年第4期.
  • Li, Chaode. “Modern Thinking on Different Theoretical Dimensions of Design Aesthetics Research: From Jauss's ‘Reception Aesthetics’ to Shusterman's ‘Pragmatist Aesthetics.’” Art and Design Research. Beijing: 2021:4, 97-106.
  • 李超德:《设计美学研究不同理论向度的现代性思考—从尧斯的“接受美学”到舒斯特曼的“实用主义美学”》,《 艺术设计研究》2021年第04 期。
  • Li Fang, "A Comparative between the Method of Research in Somaeshtetics of China and Western," Exam Weekly, 2008(4).
  • 李芳:《理查德•舒斯特曼身体美学理论研究》,山东师范大学2009年硕士学位论文.
  • Li Fang, "A Research of Richard Shusterman’s Somaesthetics," M.A. Dissertation of Shandong Normal University, 2009.
  • 李军学: “身体美学的本源性追问——评舒斯特曼教授新著《情感与行动:实用主义之道》”, 《中外文论》 , 2021.1
  • Li Junxue, “Exploring the Origin of Somaesthetics: A Review of Shusterman's Affect and Act: Ways of Pragmatism",  in Chinese and Foreign Literary Theories 1 (2021) :167-171.
  • Li Yanfeng. "How Shusterman Explains Foucault's Aesthetics of the Body and the Theoretical and Practical Tendencies of Pragmatist Aesthetics of the Body." Journal of Southwest Minzu University, 2021:3.
  • 李艳丰,《舒斯特曼如何阐释福柯的身体美学——兼论实用主义身体美学的理论与实践倾向》,《西南民族大学学报》,2021,v.42; No.353(01): 157-164.
  • Li, Zhiyan, Chen, Jianwei. “From ‘Body Consciousness’ to ‘Life Aesthetics’: An Exploration of Richard Shusterman's Pragmatist Aesthetic Thought.” Social Sciences in Guangxi. Guangxi: 2021:4, 148-153.
  • 李志艳,陈建伟:《从“身体意识”到“生活即审美”——理查德·舒斯特曼实用主义美学思想探赜》,《广西社会科学》2021年第4期。
  • Liao Yan. "Study on Richard Shusterman's Art Thought of 'Dramatization." Journal of Chaohu University, 2021: 169(04).
  • 廖燕。《论舒斯特曼“戏剧化”艺术思想》,《巢湖学院学报》,2021, v.23; No.169(04): 77-83. 
  • 刘成纪:《中国古典美学中的身体及其映像》,《文艺研究》,2007年 04期.
  • Liu Cheng-ji,"The Body and Its Images in Classical Chinese Aesthetics", Literature & Art Studies, 2007(4).
  • Liu Chengji. "Somaesthetics: Progress and Issues ―A Dialogue and Argument between American and ChineseScholars", Academic Monthly, No.8, 2007, Vol. 37, pp. 21-28.
  • 刘成纪:《身体美学的一个当代案例》,《中州学刊》2005年第3期.
  • Liu Cheng-ji, "A Contemporary Case of Somaesthetics," Academic Journal of Zhongzhou, 2005(3).
  • 刘德林:《舒斯特曼新实用主义美学研究》,山东大学2008年博士学位论文.
  • Liu De-lin, "A Study on Shusterman's Neo-pragmatism Aesthetics," Ph. D. Dissertation of Shandong University, 2008.
  • 刘彦顺:《论后现代美学对现代美学的"身体"拓展——从康德美学的身体缺失谈起》,《文艺争鸣》2008年第5期.
  • Liu Yan-shun, "Post-modernism’s Bodily Extends toward Modern Aesthetics---- Talking from the Absence of Body in Kantian’s Aesthetics," Contend of Literature and Art, 2008(5).
  • Ma Baobao. Kong Nan. "Richard Shusterman: Pragmatist Aesthetics Theory Facing Daily Life." Journal of Jining Normal University. 2021: 164(03).
  • 马抱抱,孔楠:《理查德·舒斯特曼:面向日常生活的审美经验理论》,《集宁师范学院学报》,2021, v.43; No. 164(03): 55-58.
  • 毛崇杰:《后现代美学转向——日常生活审美化与身体美学》,《杭州师范学院学报》(社会科学版),2004年 06期.
  • Mao Chong-jie, "Aesthetics in the Post-modern Turn——Aestheticisation of Daily Life and Body Aesthetics", Journal of Hangzhou Teachers College, 2004(6).
  • 毛崇杰:《实用主义美学的重新崛起》,《艺术百家》2009年第1期.
  • Mao Chong-jie, "Re-emergence of Pragmatic Aestheticism," Hundred Schools in Arts, 2009(1).
  • 彭富春:《身体美学的基本问题》,《中州学刊》,2005年第3期.
  • Peng Fu-chun, "The Basic Problems of Somaesthetics," Academic Journal of Zhongzhou, 2005(3).
  • 彭富春:《身体与身体美学》,《哲学研究》2004年第4期.
  • Peng Fu-chun, "Body and Somaesthetics," Philosophy Research, 2004(4).
  • 彭锋:《身体美学的理论进展》,《中州学刊》2005年第3期.
  • Peng Feng, "The Theory Progressive of the Somaesthetics," Academic Journal of Zhongzhou, 2005(3).
  • Shusterman, Richard. "通过身体思考:人文学科的教育." 学术月刊 (Academic Monthly) October, (2007): 5-14. (Translation of Thinking Through the Body).
  • ___. "东西美学的邂逅--中国广播网 中央人民广播电台主办 全球最大中文音频网络门户 (The Encounter between Oriental Aesthetics and Hesperian Aesthetics)."中国广播网 一网听天下 ( Guangming Daily, 28 Sept. 2010. Web. <>.
  • ___. 身体意识与身体美学. Trans. Cheng Xiangzhan. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 2011. (Translation of Body Consciousness with a special preface for the Chinese edition).
  • ___. "身体意识与身体表现: 东西方的身体美学" Translation of "Body Consciousness and Performance: Somaesthetics East and West".Journal of Yantai UniversityPhilosophy and Social Science Edition, N. 26, 2014(4)
  • ___ 艺术界定与身体美学--对理查德·舒斯特曼教授的访谈 . ("Definition of Art and Somaesthetics, An Interview with Richard Shusterman, in Aesthetics Forum") Interview (Chinese).Aesthetics Forum(October 2014): 11-15.
  • ___. 身体美学:理论与实践的结合 ("Somaesthetics: The Unity of Theory and Practice"). Guangming Daily, 2011.10.11: 11.
  • Shusterman, Richard and Zheng Fanren. "Practice and Bridge: Dialogue Between Chinese Scholars and Shusterman," Literary Debate (China), 2010.5.15, No.5, pp.59-64.
  • ___."Somaesthetics: Progress and Issues ―A Dialogue and Argument between American and Chinese Scholars" Academic Monthly, No.8, 2007, Vol. 37, pp. 21-28
  • 王德胜:《舒斯特曼美学的“具身”之域》,《中国艺术报》, 2021年. DOI:10.28155/n.cnki.ncysb. 2021.
  • Wang Desheng. "The 'Embodied' Domain of Shusterman's Aesthetics." China Art News, 2021 (8).
  • 王锐:《简评理查德•舒斯特曼身体美学的研究意义》,《时代人物》,2008年第4期.
  • Wang Rui, "A Brief Review on the Significance of Richard Shusterman’s Somaesthetics," Times Figure, 2008(4).
  • 王伟: 《新实用主义的两种审美生活构想——回应舒斯特曼先生》, 《东南学术》, 2022.03.
  • Wang Wei, “Two Conceptions of Aesthetic Life in Neo-pragmatism: A Response to Prof. Shusterman”, in Southeastern Academic 3(2022): 172-182.
  • 王曦:《艺术即“戏剧化”与艺术的“剧场化”——从舒斯特曼的《金衣人历险记》谈审美经验问题》,外国美学,2022年36辑.
  • Wang Xi, "Art as 'Dramatization' and the 'Theatricalization' of Art: On Aesthetic Experiences in the Light of Shusterman's The Adventures of the Man in Gold." International Aesthetics, 2022 (36). 
  • 王晓华:《身体美学:回归身体主体的美学——以西方美学史为例》,《江海学刊》,2005年 03期.
  • Wang Xiao-hua, "Body Aesthetics: the Aesthetics of Back to Body as Subject----the Case of Western Aesthetics History," Jianghai Academic Journal (Bimonthly), 2005(3).
  • 王晓华:《身体主体性的起源与审美发生论——主体论身体美学论纲之一》,《河北学刊》2009年 03期.
  • Wang Xiao-hua, "The Originality of Body Subjectivity and Aesthetical Occurrence——One of Subjectivity Body Aesthetics Outline", Hebei Academic Journal, 2009(3).
  • Xiangzhan, Cheng. "Somaesthetics and Aesthetic Activities in Daily Life: Speaking from Shusterman’s Somaesthetics," Literary Debate (China), 2010.5.15, No.5, pp.55-58.
  • Xing Jianchang. "Embodiment: A Unique Perspective of Shusterman's Aesthetic Studies--A Review of Wang Yaqin's 'Embodiment: A Study of Richard Shustermans Aesthteic Thought." Journal of Hebei Normal University. 2021, v.44 No. 212(03).
  • 邢建昌,《具身化:舒斯特曼美学研究的独特视角——评王亚芹,《“具身化”:理查德·舒斯特曼美学思想研究》》,《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科版》, 2021, v.44 No. 212(03): 157. DOI:10.13763/j.cnki.jhebnu.
  • 杨春时;刘连杰:《主体间性与"健全的身体美学"之建构》,《厦门大学学报》(哲学社会科学版), 2008年 03期.
  • Yan, Liu. 审美经验的复兴_理查德_舒斯特曼的实用主义美学观与通俗音乐 (The Renewal of Aesthetic Experience: Richard Shusterman’s Pragmatist Aesthetics and Popular Music). Journal of Music Research 1 (2012): 66-72.
  • Yang Chun-shi; LIU Lian-jie,Intersubjectivity and Construction of "Sound SomaesthetIcs", Journal of Xiamen University (Arts & Social Sciences), 2008(3).
  • 杨春时,《意识美学与身体美学的对立之消解》,《浙江工商大学学报》,2009年第1期.
  • Yang Chun-shi, "The Deconstruction of the Conflict between the Spirit Aesthetics and Somaesthetics,"Journal of Zhejiang Gongshang University, 2009(1).
  • 杨春时,《超越意识美学与身体美学的对立》,《文艺研究》,2008年 05期.
  • Yang Chun-shi, "The Opposition between the beyond Spirit Aesthetics and Somaesthetics," Literature & Art Studies, 2008(5).
  • 杨春时:《建立健全的身体美学》,《光明日报》2008年7月15日第11版.
  • Yang Chun-shi, "To Found a Well Somaesthetics," Guangming Daily, 2008.7.15.(11).
  • Yang, Lu. "Toward a New Pragmatist Aesthetics? Shusterman’s Aesthetic Idea and Chinese Living Enthusiasm," Literary Debate (China), 2010.5.15, No.5, pp.49-54.
  • 张玉能:《人的自身生产与身体美学的建立》,《吉林大学社会科学学报》,2007年 03期.
  • Zhang Yu-neng, "Human Self-production and the Setting up of Body Aesthetics", Jilin University Journal Social Sciences Edition, 2007(3).
  • 赵文俊:《"身体美学"刍议》,《四川职业技术学院学报》, 2006年 04期.
  • Zhao Wen-jun, "On Somaesthetics," Journal of Sichuan Vocational and Technical College, 2006(4).
  • 朱媛:《试论身体美学的理论范式与研究意义》,《宝鸡文理学院学报》(社会科学版),2007年 01期.
  • ZHU Yuan, "Discussion of Body Aesthetics Theory Model and Research Significance," Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Sciences (Social Science Edition), 2007 (1).

in Italian

  • Crescimanno, Emanuele. "Corpo, sensibilità ed esperienza: La riflessione di Valéry alla luce dell’estetica pragmatista." Aisthesis Online, anno V, numero 1, 2012: 147-164.
  • ___. "Estetica, somaestetica ed educazione estetica." In Educare la comunità (Milan: FrancoAngeli, 2014), 141-149.
  • Dreon, Roberta. Review of Estetica Pragmatista. Aisthesis Online, anno III, numero 1, 2011: 151-153.
  • Di Stefano, Elisabetta. ESTETICA E VITA QUOTIDIANA: PROSPETTIVE DI RICERCAAZIONE NEGLI STUDI UMANISTICI. Progetto ABACUS - Attivazione dei Bacini Culturali Siciliani, pp. 451-457 (ISBN 978-88-9285-006-4), 2020.
  • Marino, Stefano. 2022. “La ‘Grande Regione Del Corpo’. Osservazioni Sulla Presenza Di Nietzsche Nel Neopragmatismo e Nella Somaestetica.” Scenari 17 (2): 109–27.
  • Shusterman, Richard. Dopo l’Estetica. Ed. Luigi Ruso. Palermo: Centro Internazionale Studi di Estetica, 2010. Print.
  • ___. Estetica Pragmatista. Trans. Teresa di Falco. Palermo: Aesthetica Edizione, 2010 (Italian trans. with new preface by the author).
  • ___. "Narrazioni conclusive e nuove energie." Dopo l’Estetica, (2011): 231-239.

in Japanese

  • Akiba, Fuminori. <醜>と<排除>の感性論-否定美の力学に関する基盤研究("On Defending Procedures of Somaesthetics and Aesthetics of Senses as Aesthetics of Ugliness"). Bunri Usami (ed.). Reports of Grants-in-Aids for Scientific Research Project No. 17202004. (2007).
  • Higuchi, Satoshi "A Significance and Capability of "Somaesthetics" from the Viewpoint of Learning Theory – A Commentary on R. Shusterman’s Article –"
  • ___. "Shintai kanseiron to wa nanika (What is somaesthetics?)" and "Jissenteki shintai kanseiron no kyoikuteki kachi (Educational values of practical somaesthetics)." Shintai Kyoiku no Shiso (Thoughts of Body Education). Japan, 2005. 149-163.
  • Shusterman, Richard. "Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Art of Living: Pragmatism and Somaesthetics." Journal of Learning and Curriculum Development, Hiroshima 2 (2003): 47-53.
  • ___. "Somaesthetics and the Body Media Issue" (2003): Geijutsugaku Journal of the Science of Arts 7 (2003): 57-75.
  • ___. "Body Consciousness and Performance East and West." Translated by Satoshi HIguchi. Shiso 思想 8.1060 (2012): 95-120.

in Polish

  • Budziak, Anna. "Antyesencjalizm nietekstowy. O filozofii Richarda Shustermana" Er(r)go (2007): 9-23.
  • Dagmara, Jaszewska. "Granice ponowoczesnej esteyzzacji etyki. Uwagi o koncepcjach R. Shustermanai W. Welscha." Wizje i re-wizje (2008): 827-839.
  • Dobrowolski, R. "O korygowaniu nawyków spontanicznego ciała (Dewey, Shusterman)." Fizjoterapia 19.1 (2011): 49-53.
  • Malecki, Wojciech. "Richard Shusterman vs. uniwersalizm hermeneutyczny" Er(r)go (2007): 47-57.
  • ___. "O praktycznych aspektach estetyki Richarda Shustermana- szutka popularna i somatoestetyka." Wizje i re-wizje (2008): 813-826.
  • Mitek-Dziemba, Alina. "Estetycznosc rozkowana. O probach demokratyzacji estetyki." Wizje i re-wizje(2008): 799-812.
  • Shusterman, Richard. "Somaestetyka", Biuletyn Polskiego Towarzystwa Estetycznego, 7:1 (2005): 1-2.
  • Shusterman, Richard and Wojciech Malecki. O stuze I życiu. Od poetyki hip-hopu do filozofii
  • somatycznej. Wroclaw: Alta 2, 2007. (Collection of articles and interviews translated into Polish).
  • ___."Somatoestetyka i Druga pleć Pragmatystyczne odczytanie arcydzieła feminizmu." Teksty Drugie
  • no 1/2 (2008): 173-205. Translated by Wojciech Małecki.
  • Shusterman Richard, Malecki, W. and Stankiewicz, S. Śwaladomość Ciała: Dociekania z Zakresu Somaestetyki. Trans. by Wojciech Małecki and S. Stankiewicz. Krakow: Universitas, 2010. (Translation of Body Consciousness)
  • Shusterman, Richard. "Jak wynaleziono esteykę pragmatystyczną - genealogiczne refleksje nad pojęciem i nazwą." Estetyka na żywo: Pragmatyzm wobec sztuki, etyki i polityki. Edited by Wojciecha Małeckiego, Leszka Koczanowicza. Krakow: Wydawnictwo Aureaus (2015): 19-44. (Translation of "The Invention of Pragmatist Aesthetics: Genelogical Reflections on a Notion and a Name")


in Portuguese

  • Arslan, Luciana. "Corpo (sentido): corporeidade e estesia nos processos de ensino-aprendizagem." "Body (Sense): Corporeality and Esthetics in Teaching-Learning Process." Uberlândia, MG, 2020.
  • Bogéa, Anderson, and Izis Tomass. "Somaestética: uma proposta disciplinar (tradução)." Revista Científica/FAP 28, no. 1 (2023). (Translation of "Somaesthetics: A Disciplinary Proposal)
  • Meira, Renata. "PREPARAÇÃO CORPORAL E SOMAESTÉTICA NA UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE UBERLÂNDIA 2000-2018." Theater Training and Somaesthetics at Uberlândia, Federal University, 2000-2018. Reperttório, Salvador, ano 22, n. 32, p.159-182, (2019).
  • Shusterman, Richard "Pensar Através do corpo, educar para as humanidades: um apelo para a soma-estética." Marte 3 ( 2008): 98-117. (Translation of Thinking Through the Body)
  • ___. Consciência Corporal. Trans. Pedro Sette-Câmara. São Paulo, Brazil: E Realizacoes, 2012. (Translation of Body Consciousness).
  • ___. "Arte E Religião." Trans. Inês Lacerda Araújo. Revista Redescrições 3:3 (2012): 82-103.
  • Pichinine, Diana. "Resenha: Consciência Corporal." Revista Redescrições 3:4 (2012): 75-86. (original: Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics". Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008.)
  • Silva, Fabio Luiz Carneiro Mourilhe. “A Relação Entre Arte e Quadrinhos a Partir Da Perspectiva Estética, Ética e Filosófica DeShusterman.” Revista on Line Do GT de Pragmatismo e Filosofia Norte-Americana 1, no. 4 (2010).

in Korean

  • 몸의 미학: 신체미학 - 솜에스테틱스Trans. by Lee Hyijin. Seoul: Book Korea, 2010 (Translation of Body Consciousness with a special preface for the Korean edition).

in Spanish

  • Mira Alonso, Alexandra. 2021. “La Somaestética de Medusa En Las Adaptaciones Teatrales de Lope de Vega, Calderón de La Barca y Quinault.” Estudios Humanísticos. Filología, no. 43 (December): 87–106.
  • Restrepo, Porfirio Cardona. "Más Allá de la Estética Analítica en elNeopragmatismo de Richard Shusterman" Escritos 16.36 (January- June 2008): 81.115.

in Dutch

  • Bonde, Lisbeth. "Med kroppen som medie." 1 March 2014.

in Slovenian

  • Kvokačka, Adrián. 2015. “Estetická Skúsenosť Dnes. Skúmanie Somaestetiky vo Vzťahu k Estetike Každodennosti a Estetike Environmentu.” Espes: The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics 4 (2): 10–15.
  • Majerhold, Katarina. "Ali je filozofija konservativna in kakšen odnos ima do ljubezni in spolnosti?" Airbeletrina. 19 April 2022 (Review of Ars Erotica).
  • Makky, Lukáš. "Za hranicami interpretácie. Kritické čítanie a filozofická analýza interpretácie v somaestetike Richarda Shustermana (Beyond Interpretation. Critical Reading and Philosophical Analysis of Interpretation in Richard Shusterman´s Somaesthetics)." In Metodologie A Theurgie Hermeneutické Interpretace Ix, edited by Kolektiv autorů, 2023. Ostrava: 109-126.
  • ___. "Estetická Skúsenosť Ako Regulatív: Filozofické, Estetické A Edukačné Aspekty A Perspektívy Somaestetiky" ("Aesthetic experience as regulative: philosophical, aesthetic and educational aspects and perspectives of somaesthetics"). In Súradnice estetiky, umenia a kultúry 8: Premeny umeleckej a edukačnej praxe: estetika, filozofia výchovy, kreatívna edukácia (Prešov: 2023), 48-60.
  • Švihura, Lukáš Arthur. “Estetika Existencie v Pragmatizme Richarda Shustermana.” Filozofia 78, no. 6 (June 12, 2023): 444–61.

in Turkish