Old News, Lectures, and Workshops
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture on "Photography as Performative Process" at the East China Normal University on December 24, 2018.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture on "Philosophy as a Way of Life - On Camera" and a screening of the film about his work at Jinan University, Guangzhou on December 20, 2018. For more details, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture on "Photography as Performative Process" at South China Normal University on December 19, 2018. For more details, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture on "Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and the Practice of Philosophy" for the Philosophy Department of Fudan University on December 17, 2018. For more details click here.
- For a report on the book launch of Dr. Shusterman’s new book in Chinese based on his 2017 Summit Lectures at Fudan University and the opening of Fudan’s Life Aesthetics Centre, which will collaborate with the Center for Body, Mind, and Culture, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman discussed his new book in Chinese at the opening of Fudan's Centre for Life Aesthetics on December 16, 2018. For more details, click here.
- For a link to the "Opening conference of the Somaesthetics Center at East China Normal University (Shanghai, December 15-16, 2018) (in Chinese)" report on the ECNU conference in collaboration with the Center, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a keynote lecture on “Beauty, Aesthetic Experience, and the Powers of Possession” at the Aesthetics Unlimited Conference at Copenhagen University on December 7, 2018. For more information, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman participated in a Habilitation Research Jury on “L’attitude pragmatiste” sponsored by the University of Lyon and the Ecole Normale Supérieure of Lyon, on Novermber 22, 2018. For more details, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman discussed the relation of his work to cultural politics at France's national Observatoire des politiques culturelles on November 21, 2018. For more information, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman participated in a symposium about the new expanded edition of his book L’art à l’état vif at the University of Lyon on November 19, 2018. For more details, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the new edition of his French book, L’art à l’état vif and responded to its analysis by three French scholars at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris on November 16, 2018. For more details, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture at UNESCO’s Philosophy Night in Paris on November 16, 2018 on the topic of “Philosophy and the Art of Living: From Pragmatism to Somaesthetics.” For more details, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture at the University of Lyon, Dept. of Anthropology in Lyon, France, titled “La soma-esthétique, une certaine présence au monde” on December 14, 2017. For more information click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture (in French) titled "Somaesthetics: From Pragmatist Philosophy to Transdisciplinary Research" on December 7, 2017 at the University of Paris in Paris, France. For more details, including the French title, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman participated as an external examiner for a dissertation defense about somaesthetics at the Université de Montréal in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on October 20, 2017.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered the lecture "La philosophie comme art de vivre- Devant la caméra", as well as, screen the film "Philosophical Encounters with Richard Shusterman," at the Université de Montréal in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on October 19, 2017.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered the lecture "La soma-esthétique : du pragmatisme à l'art contemporain" at the symposium Le Corps Vécu Comme Condition de L’Expérience Esthétique in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on September 22, 2017.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture "La philosophie comme art de vivre- Devant la camera" at the Conférence-projection du CELAT in Montreal, Quebec, Canada on September 21, 2017.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture "Somaesthetic Practice and the Question of Norms" at a symposium titled "Action as the Crossing-point of Primacies of the Practical" at Aalborg University in Copenhagen, Denmark on September 9, 2017.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the keynote lecture at the conference, "The Soma as the Core of Aesthetics, Ethics, and Politics", to be held at the University of Szeged in Szeged, Hungary from June 26-28, 2017. To view the conference program for this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered the keynote lecture titled "Somaesthetics and Contemporary Art" at the conference, "Thematic Programs on Somaesthetics, Body Consciousness and the Arts" at Széchenyi István University in Győr, Hungary on June 23, 2017. For more information about this event, please click here; to view the program for this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented "Performing Philosophy: The Adventures of the Man in Gold," at the Free University of Berlin's International Research Center of Interweaving Performance Cultures in Berlin, Germany on June 15, 2017. To learn more about this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture on "Philosophy as a Performative Way of Life" at the Philosophy Colloquium of the University of Potsdam in Potsdam, Germany, on June 13, 2017. For more information, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a practical workshop, "Somaesthetics of Rhythmic Interaction" at Aalborg University in Cophenhagen, Denmark from June 6-7, 2017. To learn more, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture "Somaesthetics, Creativity, and the Adventures of the Man in Gold" at East China Normal University in Shanghai, China on May 24, 2017. For more information, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a keynote lecture "Pragmatist Aesthetics and Confucian Aesthetics" at Yangzhou University in Yangzhou, China from May 18-19, 2017. Please click here for more
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture "Somaesthetics: From Pragmatism to Contemporary Art" at Hiroshima University in Hiroshima, Japan on May 16, 2017. For more information, click here; to view the poster, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture "Philosophy as a Performative Way of Life" at the Aesthetics Department of Tokyo University in Tokyo, Japan, on May 12, 2017. To learn more, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture at an international conference on Contemporary Art and Somaesthetics at Fudan University in Shanghai, China on May 6, 2017. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered the lecture "Philosophy as a Performative Way of Life" at the East China Normal University in Shanghai, China on April 25, 2017. For more about this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman held a series of Shanghai summit lectures on Pragmatism: Philosophy and Aesthetics at Fudan University in Shanghai, China. For a list of the lecture topics, dates, and times, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture "Somaesthetics of Freedom: The Dialectic of Spontaneity and Reflection" at the Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies in Helsinki, Finland on April 7, 2017. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture "The Philosopher Without Words: Philosophy as Performative Art as L'homme en or" at Aalto University in Helsinki, Finland on April 5, 2017. For more information about this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture "Flux Radiants and Somaésthetique" to discuss his performance as The Man in Gold at The Galerie Pierre-Alain Challier in Paris, France on March 13, 2017. For more information in English, please click here; for French, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture about his new book, The Adventures of the Man in Gold/Les aventures de l'homme en or, at a conference at the Université de Lausanne in Lausanne, Switzerland on March 8, 2017. To view the announcement for this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture "Winckelmann on Taste: Somaesthetics and Society" at the University of Naples L'Orientale on March 1, 2017. To view the program for this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman launched his new book, The Adventures of the Man in Gold/Les aventures de l'homme en or, in Copenhagen, Denmark on February 23, 2017. For more information, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman well be delivering a lecture on his performance art as the Man in Gold at the Denmark Women's Museum in Aarhus, Denmark on February 22, 2017 at 5:30pm. To learn more about this event, please click here for English, and here for Danish.
- Dr. Shusterman unveiled his new book, The Adventures of the Man in Gold/Les aventures de l'homme en or, at a champagne brunch at Aalborg University in Aalborg, Denmark on February 22, 2017. For more information about this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman, in association with the pragmatist association Pragmata, presented his new book, The Adventures of the Man in Gold/Les aventures de l'Homme en or, on January 12, 2017 at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris, France. For more information about this event, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman will be participating in a symposium about his book, Thinking Through the Body, organized by the University of Wroclaw, Poland on Monday, December 12, 2016, for the book's recent Polish translation. For more information about this event, please click here. (CANCELLED)
- Dr. Shusterman will be presenting a lecture, entitled "On Somaesthetics and Art," at the Atlas Sztuki Art Gallery in Lodz, Poland on Friday, December 9, 2016. For more information, please click here. (CANCELLED)
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a keynote lecture, presenting "Philosophy as a Way of Life - On Camera" at the Semiotic Society of America on Saturday, October 1, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman screened the documentary Philosophy as an Art of Living - On Camera at "À la frontière des arts," a symposium to be held at the Paris Philharmonic on Tuesday, September 27, 2016. Click here to view the symposium programme.
- Dr. Shusterman presented "Ethique et esthétique: du pragmatisme à l'art de vivre," a lecture as part of the Conférence Dewey at the Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 on Monday, September 26, 2016. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a keynote lecture at "Engagement: Symposium of Philosophy and Dance," presented by the Texas State University Department of Philosophy and the Division of Dance on Friday, September 9, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled “Art and Moral Psychology” for the National Endowment for Humanities Institute at Grand Valley State University on June 22, 2016. Click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a symposium on the second Polish edition of Pragmatist Aesthetics by Richard Shusterman on June 17th. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a keynote lecture entitled “Somaesthetics and the Fine Art of Eating” for the conference on Perspectives on Food Aesthetics at Wroclaw, Poland on June 17, 2016. Click here for more details, and click here to view the poster.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture at the Philosophy Institute of the University of Potsdam, Germany on June 14th. Click here to view details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a speech entitled "Somaesthetics and Design" on Monday, June 6th, 2016 at the York University School of Arts, Media, Performance and Design in Toronto, Canada. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a series of five lectures on “Pragmatist Aesthetics: Past and Present” on May 23-27 at Renmin University, Beijing. Click here to view the poster.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture and screening entitled “Philosophy as a Way of Life – On Camera” on May 20 at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. Click here to view poster.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture at the Philosophy Department at Beijing Normal University on May 17, 2016. Click here for details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled “Somaesthetics: From Pragmatism to Contemporary Art” on May 13 at Peking.
- Dr. Shusterman received an honorary doctorate from Aalborg University, Denmark. Please click here for more information. During his visit he gave two lectures; click here for details on his presentation to the philosophy department and here for details on his presentation to the art department.
- Dr. Shusterman hosted a 3-day practical somaesthetics workshop at The Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw, Poland on Friday-Sunday, April 8-10, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture on Somaesthetic Multiculturalism at The Grotowski Institute, Wroclaw, Poland on April 8, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman spoke at the Panel on Aging in the Bodypedia Seminar on April 6, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture in the Hongik Conference on Art and Media at Hongik University, Seoul, Korea on March 19, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman hosted a seminar on Somaesthetics for Seoul National Graduate Students in Aesthetics on March 18, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture at the Philosophy Colloquium at the University of Auckland on March 11, 2016. Please click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Affective Thought" at Deakin University Melbourne, Philosophy Department, on March 8, 2016. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Somaesthetics: From Pragmatism to Contemporary Art" at Deakin University, Melbourne, Communications and Creative Arts Department at 4:30 pm on March 7, 2016. Click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Pragmatism, Somaesthetics and Arts-Based Research" at the University of New South Wales, Art & Design on March 4, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Somaesthetics and Design" in the lecture series "Sydney Ideas" at the University of Sydney on March 3, 2016. Please click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a screening and discussion entitled "Philosophical Encounters with Richard Shusterman" at the Cinematic Thinking Network from 5:00-7:00 pm on March 2, 2016. Click here for more details, and additional information here.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture entitled, "Philosophy as a Performative Way of Life: Writing and Beyond" at the University of New South Wales on March 2, 2016. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman provided a Somaesthetics Workshop on Thursday February 25th and Friday, February 26th at the School of Architecture and Design, University of Sydney. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Somaesthetics and the Arts" at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance on Thursday, January 7, 2016.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a keynote lecture entitled "Philosophy as a Way of Life - On Camera" at the Film-Philosophy: Prospects, Directions and New Perspectives conference at Tel Aviv University on January 7, 2016. Click here to view the conference program.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "The Philosopher without Words: Practicing Somaesthetics" on Monday, December 14, 2015 at Aalborg University Copenhagen. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture about his book Le Style a la etat vif: Somaesthetique, Art Populaire, et Art De Vivre on December 9, 2015, at the Sorbonne University, Paris.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Spontaneity and Reflection: The Dao of Somaesthetics" on Saturday, November 21, 2015, at the University of Texas. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman was a guest speaker for a Doctoral Colloquium at New York University on Friday, November 6, 2015.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Philosophy as a Way of Life - On Camera" at Manhattan College, New York on Thursday, November 5, 2015. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Somaesthetics and the Contemporary Relevance of Classical Chinese Aesthetics" at the Shanghai Society of Aesthetics, Fudan Univeristy on October 30, 2015. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Ethics and Aesthetics: From Pragmatism to Somaesthetics and the Art of Living" at the Department of Philosophy, Fudan University, Shanghai, China on October 30, 2015.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Somaesthetics: From Pragmatism to Contemporary Art" at the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities at East China Normal University on October 28, 2015.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Philosophy as a Way of Life - On Camera: Pragmatism and Somaesthetic" in Wuhan, China. Sunday, October 25, he lectured at Hubei University. Click here for more details. On Monday, October 26 he lectured at the Central China Normal University. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman was a keynote speaker at the conference hosted by the Chinese Aesthetics and Literary Theory Society on October 24, 2015. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture on Somaesthetics: from Pragmatism to Contemporary Art at Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, New York on Wednesday, October 21, 2015. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman screened parts of the documentary Philosophical Encounters with Richard Shusterman and selected videos of his performance work as the "Man in Gold" on August 9, 2015 at the Power Station of Art in Shanghai. Click here to see the event poster or here for the venue's event description.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture at the International Conference on Dewey and Pragmatism Studies at Fudan University in Shanghai on August 8-10, 2015.
- Dr. Shusterman screened his documentary and video work at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm 11-13 June 2015. Click here for the website.
- Dr. Shusterman participated in a symposium on the Italian translation of his book Body Consciousness at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome on 27 May 2015. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture in the perception lecture series "Sensibilia" at the Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna in Rome on 26 May 2015. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture at the 'Art, Food, Aesthetics' conference in Naples, Italy on 22 May 2015. Click here to view the conference program.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled, "Ethics and Aesthetics: From Somaesthetics to the Art of Living" in Aalborg on 27 April 2015. Click here for the flyer. He also participated in a launch event for the Journal of Somaesthetics on 27 April 2015 at the University of Aalborg. Click here for more details.
- Dr. Shusterman presented at an art event at the Oslo Art House in Oslo, Norway on 25 April 2015. Click here for details.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Conflicted Desires: Biblical Somaesthetics of Sex and Sight" in Oslo, Norway on 22 April 2015. Click here for the schedule.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture and interview on Somaesthetics in Malaga, Spain in April 2015. Click here for the flyer.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled "Ethique et ésthetique: la somaesthétique et l'art de vivre" in Paris on 16 April 2015. Click here for the flyer.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a keynote lecture at a conference on 'Philosophies of Emancipation' in New York in February 2015.
- Dr. Shusterman's Center for Body, Mind, and Culture hosted its annual conference, entitled " Bodies of Belief: Somaesthetics of Faith and Protest", on January 29-30, 2015.
- Dr. Shusterman performed at the "UIP 27" presentation at the Moderna Museet Malmö in Malmo Sweden on January 23-25th, 2015. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a Rector's lecture at the University of Łódź, Poland on December 10th, 2014. Please click here and here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a keynote lecture and a workshop at the International conference of Performance Studies, Literary Studies, and Somaesthetics at the University of Wrocław on December 12, 2014. Please click here and here to view the program.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture at the Polish Academy of Fine Art in Warsaw on December 8th, 2014. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a keynote lecture at the "Unearthing the Body in Education and the Arts" conference at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem on December 1st, 2014. Please click here or here for more information.
- There was a screening of Philosophical Encounters with Richard Shusterman September 24th-25th, 2014 in Poland at the University of Warmia and Mazury. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman spoke about somaesthetics at the Potsdam Symposium on "Die Unergründlichkeit der menschlichen Natur" on July 3rd, 2014. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture at the Charles S. Pierce International Centennial Congress on July 16th-19th at University of Massachusetts Lowell. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman presented an educational documentary about his work in a special screening entitled "Philosophy as a Way of Life: On Camera" at the Muzeum Wspolczesne on June 11th, 2014 in Warsaw, Poland.
- Dr. Shusterman gave the lecture "Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and Contemporary Art" at the Central European Pragmatist Forum's Eighth International Conference in Wroclaw, Poland June 9-13th, 2014. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a practical workshop in "Somaesthetics, Dance, and Philosophy" on June 9th, 2014 for the Dance Department of Lodz University of Economics and Humanities. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman spoke at The Freedom Games in Lodz, Poland on June 4-8th, 2014. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman was the keynote speaker at the Hungarian Philosophical Aesthetic Association's international conference on "Aesthetic Experience and Somaesthetics" on June 2-6th, 2014 in Budapest.Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture entitled “Somatic Style” on April 21, 2014 at East China Normal University, Shanghai.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a presentation and a screening of the film Philosophical Encounters with Richard Shusterman on April 25, 2014 at Renmin University, Beijing.
- Dr. Shusterman lectured on "Aesthetics and Politics" at a conference on his book Surface and Depth on April 26, 2014 at Peking University, Beijing. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a presentation and a screening of the film Philosophical Encounters with Richard Shusterman on April 28, 2014 at Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture at the "Dissemination and Generation: Spirituality in Chinese Ink Painting" conference on April 11-13th, 2014 at the Zhejiang Provine Museum of Art in Hangzhou, China.
- Dr. Shusterman presented “Two Styles of Artistic Creation” at the "Conference on Dissemination and Generation: Perspectives from China" on April 14, 2014 at Zhejiang Museum of Art, Hangzhou, China.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered the lecture “Photography as Performative Process” on April 16, 2014 at Fudan University, Shanghai.
- Dr. Shusterman gave the lecture “Somatic Style” on April 17, 2014 at Fudan University, Shanghai. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a presentation and a screening of the film Philosophical Encounters with Richard Shusterman April 18, 2014 at Fudan University, Shanghai.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered two lectures on Somaesthetics on April 20, 2014 at the Department of Chinese Language and Literature at Fudan University. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman spoke at the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy 41st Meeting at the University of Colorado on March 6th- 8, 2014.
- Dr. Shusterman attended a screening of his performance work followed by a discussion at Counterpath in Denver, Colorado on March 7, 2014. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture on Somaesthetics at the University of Colorado Denver on March 5, 2014. Please click here to view the poster.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture at "Transformative Aesthetics -Aesthetic Transformation" at Freie Universitat in Berlin, Germany on February 14-15, 2014. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman attended "Thinking of the Body, Style and Ethical Forms: Dialogues with Richard Shusterman" at l' Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris on February 10, 2014.
- Dr. Shusterman spoke about pragmatism, somaesthetics, and contemporary art at The Royal Danish Academy on January 10, 2014. Please click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered the lecture "On Pragmatist Philosophy, Pedagogy, and Film" at Aalborg University on January 9, 2014. To view flyer, please click here.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture at Warwick University in Birmingham, England on January 5-7, 2014.
Dr. Shusterman was the keynote speaker at the first International Colloquium on Body and Philosophy on November 25-26, 2013 at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture on Somaesthetics and Music at Laval University in Quebec on November 15, 2013. Please click here for a flyer or here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture on artificial intelligence at Keio University in Japan on October 27, 2013.
Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture " Affective Cognition: From Pragmatism to Somaesthetics” at Tokyo University on October 25, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman gave the lecture "Affective Cognition from Pragmatism to Somaesthetics" at the University of Palermo on September 27, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman participated in a special screening of an in-production documentary film about his life and work held at Bunkier Sztuki Contemporary Art Gallery in Krakow's city center on July 25, 2013. The event included a Q&A session as well as discussions of somaesthetics. For a link to the map, click here. For more information please click here.
Dr. Shusterman attended the 19th annual International Conference of Aesthetics in Krakow, Poland on July 21-27, 2013.
Dr. Shusterman delivered a two-part keynote address on the relationship between pragmatism and somaesthetics at the University of Oregon on July 8-13, 2013. Please click here for more information or here to view the schedule.
Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture entitled "Somatic Style" at Nanjing University on June 13, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture "Art as Dramatization" at Yangzhou University on June 12, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman lectured on "Art as Dramatization" at Nanjing University on June 11, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman gave a seminar entitled "Somaesthetics and the Economies of Beauty" to the POLA Cosmetics Company in Tokyo on June 10, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture called "Muscle Memory and the Somaesthetic Pathologies of Everyday Life" to the Japan Society for Artistic Anatomy on June 9, 2013
Dr. Shusterman delivered the lecture "Ethics and Aesthetics: Somaesthetics and the Art of Living" at Tokyo University on June 7, 2013.
Dr. Shusterman gave the lecture "Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and Contemporary Art" and a practical workshop in Tokyo on June 5, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman presented a practical Somaesthetics workshop and lecture at the Grotoskiego Institute in Wroclaw, Poland on May 18-19, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman gave a public lecture entitled "Ethics and Aesthetics: Somaesthetics and the Performative Art of Living" and a practical workshop on his book Thinking Through the Body at the Freie Universität Berlin on May 15-16, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman delivered a series of lectures on Somaesthetics and the art of living in Brussels on May 13-14, 2013. Please click here for more information about the lecture. Dr. Shusterman also presented his new French book Chemins de l'art: Transfigurations du pragmatisme au zen. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman presented "Designing for Somaesthetics: A Workshop Interleaving Feldenkrais-Movements with Design Sessions" in Stockholm on May 6-7, 2013.
Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture on Pragmatism, Somaesthetics, and Contemporary Art in Aalborg, Denmark on May 3, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture at the University of Gastronomic Science in Pollenzo, Italy on April 4-5, 2013.
Dr. Shusterman was in Venice, Italy for the book launch of Lifestyles: Some Instructions for Use on April 2-3, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture on somaesthetics and contemporary art at Middle Tennessee State University on February 1, 2013. Please click here for more information.
Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture on somaesthetics and architecture at the State University of New York at Stony Brook on January 30, 2013. Please click here for more information.
- January 19th and 20th, 2012, Dr. Shusterman and the Center for Body, Mind, and Culture hosted a conference at Florida Atlantic University Entitled Mindful Body and Healing in the Arts. Click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a lecture on somaesthetics and architecture at Freji University in Berlin on December 12, 2012.
- Dr. Shusterman gave a lecture on somaesthetics at the University of Warsaw on December 5, 2012.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the paper, "Vie philosophique et esthétique de l'ordinaire: Cavell après Emerson et Thoreau," at the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne's conference "Stanley Cavell, Philosophy the Day After Tomorrow, and the Aesthetics of the Ordinary" on October 5, 2012.
- Dr. Shusterman was the keynote speaker at the "Ethics in Aesthetics" conference organized by the European Dance House Network and the Research Institute for Arts and Society of the Fontys Hogeschool for the Arts in Tilburg, Netherlands on October 2-4, 2012.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the keynote lecture at the "Rethinking Pragmatist Aesthetics" conference on August 31, 2012 at the Warsaw School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Wroclaw Campus. Click here for the conference flyer and here for the official conference website.
- Dr. Shusterman was the keynote speaker at the "Diversities of Body and Movement Expression" conference in Berlin on September 7-8, 2012. Click here for the conference flyer.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered two keynote lectures at the Nordic Summer University between July 27 and August 3, 2012.
- Dr. Shusterman was the keynote speaker at "The Aesthetics of Embodiment: Forms of Knowledge and Bodily Communication" conference in Berlin July 13-14, 2012. Click here for more information.
- Dr. Shusterman presented "Muscle Memory and the Somaesthetic Pathologies of Everyday Life" June 19, 2012 at the University of Tokyo. He also presented "What Pragmatism Means to Me" on June 20, 2012 at Nihon University, Tokyo; "Pragmatism, Somaesthetics and Contemporary Art" June 21, 2012 at Keio University, Tokyo; "Somaesthetics and Design: Implications for Human Computer Interactivity" June 22, 2012 at the University of Tokyo (Hongo campus); and "Pragmatism, Somaesthetics and Contemporary Art" June 26, 2012 at the Seoul Museum of Art.
- Dr. Shusterman presented "Somaesthetics and Design" at KAIST in Daejeon, South Korea on June 26, 2012.
- Dr. Shusterman continued his visiting professorship in Wroclaw, Poland. Click here or here for more information (in Polish).
- The Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne held a one-day conference on May 25, 2012 to mark the twentieth anniversary of the publication of Richard Shusterman’s Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art. To accompany the conference and trace the impact of Shusterman’s work not only in aesthetics, philosophy, and the human sciences but also in contemporary art, the Sorbonne organized an art show entitled Aesthetic Transactions, curated by Professor Shusterman. For more information, click here.
- Dr. Shusterman was an invited lecturer at the CHI2012 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Austin, Texas May 5-10, 2012. Click here or more information.
- Dr. Shusterman presented "La somaesthétique: généalogie, enjeux et nouvelles perspectives" through The Université Lumière Lyon 2 on March 9, 2012 in Lyon.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered the paper "Ars erotica--un art populaire?" at the Journée d'étude entitled "Pour une esthétique sociale: Nouveaux problèmes, nouvelles approaches théoriques" in Paris on March 2-3, 2012.
- Dr. Shusterman delivered the keynote lecture at the Finnish Society for Aesthetics 40th anniversary seminar entitled "Aesthetics Today" March 1-2, 2012 in Helsinki.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture "Soamaethetics and Architecture: A Critical Option?" at Bowling Green State University January 31, 2012.
- Dr. Shusterman presented a series of lectures and workshops in Wroclaw, Poland December 4-11, 2011.
- Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture, "Somaesthetics as an Ethical Imperative" at the Unsettled Boundaries: Philosophy, Art, and Ethics Conference on October 14th, 2011 in in Milwaukee, WI
- Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture, "Connais-toi toi-même" at Les Belles-Soirée et Matinées as Presented by the University of Montréal September 29th, 2011 in Montréal, QC
- Dr. Shusterman presented the lecture, "La photographie comme performance" at Mois de la Photo à Montréal - Colloque International: Lucidité September 30th, 2011 in Montréal, QC
- Keynote speaker at the conference "Somaesthetics: Contemporary Developments and Asian Traditions" at Peking University (Yannanyuan 56), July 23 to July 24.
- "Somatic Style" at the Experimental Knowledge Special Interest Group 2011 International Conference, June 23-24, 2011
- "James Pragmatist Aesthetics" at Universität Potsdam / Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt June 17, 2011
- "Somaestetics and Architecture: A critical perspective" at the conference "NEW ALLIANCES – BODY, NATURE AND SOCIAL RELATION" at the Utzon Center Aalborg, Denmark, June 6 – 7, 2011
- "Somatic Style" at the Nomad Academy Seminar "The Embodied Nature of Human Experience in Philosophy, Art and Architecture" at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts Italian Auditorium, Copenhagen, June 3, 2011
- "Wahlseminar Topos in architectural theory" Vienna, May 16 2011
- Keynote speaker at THE BODY SHOP: An International Symposium about the Senses in Human Interaction, University of Texas, Austin, May 12-15, 2011.
- "Somatic Style" University of Texas, Austin, May 12, 2011.
- ¿Qué es la somaestética? Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, April 27, 2011
- Professor Shusterman participated in a workshop titled “Ineffable Intangible Sensational” with performance artist Miguel Gutierrez at Florida State University, April 11-12, 2011.
- Professor Shusterman presented Estetica pragmatista on UniRoma TV (Italian)
- Palermo Conference on Aesthetics, Palermo, Italy, April 1, 2011
- "Somatic Style, Pragmatism, and Somaesthetics," Venice, Italy, March 25, 2011
- "Pragmatist Aesthetics," Rome, Italy, March 22, 2011
- "Du Style Somatique," Lyon, France, February 18, 2011
- "La somaesthétique : du pragmatisme philosophique aux arts transdisciplinaires," Paris, France, February 11, 2011
- "Qu’est ce que la soma-esthétique ?" Strausbourg, France, February 3, 2011
- "Qu’est ce que la soma-esthétique ?" Nancy, France, February 2, 2011
In December of 2010, Dr. Shusterman delivered a lecture at Lille University, France, on Somaesthetics.
- In November of 2010, Dr. Shusterman was honored with a special award he received from the French government for his international academic achievements in innovative and transcultural research. The Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Order of Academic Palms) is an Order of Chivalry of France to academics and educators. The order was originally created by Napoleon to honor eminent members of the University of Paris.
- "L'esthétique Pragmatiste: Racines et actualité" École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, December 10, 2010
- "Body of Civilization: New Horizons of Life" Kyung Hee University, Seoul, South Korea, November 4-5, 2010
- "Unsettled Concepts: Disturbing Memory and Emotion," Stony Brook University, Long Island, October 22, 2010
- 18th International Congress of Aesthetics. Peking University, Beijing, China, August 9-13, 2010
- "Somaesthetics and Architecture: A Critical Option," Shandong University, Shandong, China, August 8, 2010
- "Pragmatism and Cultural Politics," Shandong University, Shandong, China, August 7, 2010
- "Somaesthetics, Design, and the Complex Sense of Atmosphere," Design Research Society 2010 at University of Montreal, Canada, July 7-9, 2010
- "Séminaire atelier en Soma-esthétique," at University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne , France June 15-17, 2010
- "Pragmatisme et politique culturelle : variations sur un thème rortyen," Richard Rorty Ou L'Esprit Du Temps at Universite Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis, France, June 8-9, 2010
- "Muscle Memory and the Somaesthetic Pathologies of Everyday Life," Wroclaw Physiotherapy Congress at University of Wroclaw, Poland, May 27, 2010
- "Pragmatism and Cultural Politics: From Rortian Textualism to Somaesthetics," Uniwersytecie Śląski, Sosnowiec, Poland, May 26, 2010
- Book Presentation for the Polish translation of Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics at the John Dewey Research Center, Krakow, Poland May 25, 2010
- "Le Style en acte" at University of Geneva, Switzerland, May 8, 2010
- "Somaesthetics and Architecture" at MAMCO, Musee d’art moderne et contemporain, Geneva, Switzerland, May 7, 2010
- "Soma-esthethique et philosophie," "Soma-esthetique en pratique," Annecy School of Fine Art, France May 3-4, 2010
- Lecture and Somaesthetics workshop at "Die Somatische Wende", Heidelberg, Germany, April 30-May 2, 2010
- 11th Biannual Symposium on the Science of Behavior Guadalajara, Mexico, February 22-24, 2010
- On April 4, 2009, Dr. Shusterman spoke on "Somaesthetics and Architecture: A Critical Option" as an invited lecturer at the International Bauhaus Colloquium.
- March 4, 2009, Dr. Shusterman presented "La perception des situations — entre qualité immédiate et pensée critique" at the Collège International de Philosophie.
- March 2009, L'Objet de la critique littéraire , the French translation of The Object of Literary Criticism , was published in France by Questions Théoriques.
- Dr. Shusterman was interviewed on French National Public Radio (France Culture) about his book on the philosophy of literary criticism, whose French title is L'Objet de la critique littéraire , November 16, 2009.
- "Cultivating the Self" inaugural lecture at "Reinventing Cultural Politics" Université Lumière-Lyon 2 Lyon , France, November 19, 2009
- Conference on L'Objet de la critique littéraire at Collège international de philosophie, March 7, 2009
- On May 10, 2008, Dr. Shusterman spoke on "Art and Religion" in Sweden. Information about the Moderna Museet, where Shusterman spoke, is available here.
- Somaesthetics Presentations at the Uppsala Stadstheatre, May 2008
- On April 12, 2008, Dr. Shusterman was a speaker at "Symposium on Art, Music, & Embodiment" hosted by the University of Virginia’s McIntire Department of Music.
- During late March and early April 2008, Dr. Shusterman gave a special lecture at New York University and spoke as part of the graduate colloquium series at the City University of New York.
- "Thoughts and Actions that Make a Difference" conference at the University of South Florida, March 2008
- "Human Nature and Self: Pragmatist Theory from European Perspectives" conference at The Center for Body, Mind, and Culture, March 2008
- On March 8, 2008, Dr. Shusterman participated in "Between Politics and Aesthetics: Richard Shusterman's Pragmatism" at the University of Wroclaw in Poland.
- Dr. Shusterman has published a new book titled, Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics. The book is available through Cambridge University Press and Amazon.com in January 2008.
- The French Conscience du corps: Pour une soma-esthétique is available through its publisher, l'éclat. The book was translated by Nicolas Vieillescazes and published in 2007.
- Philosophy and Contemporary Art: Revisiting the French Connection conference at The Center for Body, Mind, and Culture, December 2007
- "Pragmatisme et philosophies du corp" conference at the Sorbonne, December 2007
- Paris conference on Conscience du corps, November 2007
- "Richard Shusterman Talks to UGA Students About Links Between Art and Religion" from the Athens Exchange, October 13, 2007
- UCF conference on Neuroethics and the Ethical Implications of Augmented Cognition,October 2007
- Dr. Shusterman has also edited a book on Aesthetic Experience with Adele Tomlin. The book is part of the Routledge Studies in Contemporary Philosophy series and is available through Routledge and Amazon.com.
Older News
On February 2, 2006, Dr. Shusterman participated in a panel discussion entitled "Contested Territories: The Art World" along with Arthur Danto and Thierry de Duve at the Tate Museum in London, England
- In 2006, Dr. Shusterman participated in Defying the Facts conference.
- In 2006, Dr. Shusterman spoke at the Art After the End of Art conference.
- In 2006, Dr. Shusterman spoke at Thinking through the Body conference.
- On October 27-30, 2005, Dr. Shusterman was a keynote speaker at the Nordic Conference on Bodies, Arts, Crossroads at Växjö University in Sweden.
- On August 3-6, 2004, Dr. Shusterman was a keynote speaker at the International Conference on Praxis in Copenhagen, Denmark.
- On June 11, 2004, Dr Shusterman was a keynote speaker at The Value of Aesthetic Experience.
- From 1998-2004, Dr. Shusterman conducted a series of Barnes and Noble Dialogues on the Square.