Books in English

Philosophy and the Art of Writing

2022, Routledge

Metaphilosophy (Volume 54, Issue 4) Symposium on Philosophy and the art of writing by Richard Shusterman

META. Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy (Volume 16, Issue 1) Symposium  (for PDF click here)


In English

Review in The British Journal of Aesthetics (2023)

Review in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism (Volume 80, Issue 4)

Review in The Journal of Aesthetics and Phenomenology

Philosophy and the Art of Writing




Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love

2021, Cambridge University Press

Discount flyer (20% off with code)

Foucault Studies (31:2021) Symposium on Richard Shusterman’s Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love (Open Access)

Eidos (Volume 5: No. 4/2021) Ars Erotica Symposium:
Commentaries on Richard Shusterman’s Ars Erotica: Sex and Somaesthetics in the Classical Arts of Love (Open Access)


In English

Review in The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics

Review in  Psychology of Women Quarterly, Volume 45 Issue 2, June 2021

Review in  Journal of Somaesthetics Volume 7 Number 2, 2021. 

Review in  Polylog: Zeitschrift für Interkulturelles Philosophieren, Volume 46, 2021. (English translation of German review)

Review in The British Journal of Aesthetics, Volume 62, Issue 1, January 2022.

Review in The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Volume 80, Issue 2, Spring 2022

Review in Metaphilosophy, June 2022.

Review in  ƎSPES: The Slovak Journal of Aesthetics, Volume 11, No.1 (2022).

Review in the Journal of the History of Sexuality, May 2023

Review in the European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy , Volume 15, No. 2 (2023)

In Other Languages 

German Review in  Polylog: Zeitschrift für Interkulturelles Philosophieren, Volume 46, 2021. 

Slovanian Review in Apokalipsa, June 2022.

Hungarian Review in  Muhely, 2022.

Spanish Review in Boletín de Estética no. 59, 2022.

The Adventures of the Man in Gold

With Images by Yann Toma

2016, Éditions HermannAmazon


Bilingual edition: English/French

(French Title: Les Aventures de L'Homme en Or)

Les aventures de l'Homme en Or

Thinking Through the Body

Thinking Through the Body:
Essays in Somaesthetics
2012, Cambridge U P 

Review in Material Religion

Review in International Journal of Philosophical Studies  

Article about Thinking Through the Body: Essays in Somaesthetics

Review in Chinese (full article here): "Shusterman's Aesthetic Practice: Rediscovering Body," by Wang Xi, Social Sciences Weekly (1734), 2020, 王曦:舒斯特曼的美学实践:重新发现”身体,“《社会科学报》第1734期, 2020.

Review in The Nordic Journal of Aesthetics

  Body Consciousness: A Philosophy of Mindfulness and Somaesthetics

2008, Cambridge U P

Body Consciousness
Surface and Depth Surface and Depth: Dialectics of Criticism and Culture
2002, Cornell U P
Performing Live: Aesthetic Alternatives forthe Ends of Art
2000, Cornell U P
Performing Live
Practicing Philosophy Practicing Philosophy: Pragmatism and the Philosophical Life
1997, Routledge
Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art
1992, Oxford/Blackwell
2000, Rowman & Littlefield
Pragmatist Aesthetics
T.S. Eliot

T. S. Eliot and the Philosophy of Criticism
1988, Duckworth and Columbia University Press

Review in  Poetics Today (1990)

The Object of Literary Criticism
1984, Brill
The Object of Literary Criticism