Computer Software Training

business man working

The Institute of Government offers classes in the office software packages that are in daily usage throughout our region and tackles the hurdles that users report. The classes utilize examples that are designed for government employees and aim to make repetitive tasks more fluid and less time-consuming.

Classes Being Offered On-Site at Your Local Government Agency

Each class is presented as a hands-on experience. Important elements of “how to” and “why to” are introduced for each skill and then attendees perform the skill with the instructor. Lecture time is minimal and attendees are encouraged to bring in their actual experiences for instruction and example.

Each class is taught at your location–using your computers and software– to encourage an immediate identification between what is being taught and attendees’ work environment.  Class size is capped at 15 , but a class size of between 8 and 12 adult learners is recommended. Each class is four hours long with one break.

Classes are currently being offered for the following software packages:


Getting your staff up-to-speed and keeping them up-to-date on the latest computer software is critical for their job performance. According to researchers with Carnegie Mellon University, Towson University and the University of Maryland, employees can waste almost 44% of their time trying to resolve software problems. [1]

That is an amazing amount of wasted effort that can be drastically shortened with a few hours of computer software training.

Employee Development

Beyond the issues associated with employee productivity, good managers realize the critical impact of software training on employee morale and career development. The ability to leverage existing employees into positions where they are already familiar with the systems involved will increase morale and long-term employee retention.

Customized Classes

In addition to the standard software packages, the Institute of Government can create a custom class just for you and your employees. Need to drill down on the PowerPivot feature in Excel? Want to ramp up your user experience with interactive PowerPoint shows? Just let us know and we will develop a plan and a price for you.

[1] Lazar, Jonathan; Jones, Adam; Bessiere, Katie; Ceaparu, Irina; and Shneiderman, Ben, “User Frustration with Technology in the Workplace” (2003). AMCIS 2003 Proceedings. 283.