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The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government at FAU has been offering high quality, cost effective training programs and technical assistance for local government, state, and nonprofit personnel for over thirty years.  We tailor our curriculum to meet the specific professional development needs for our customers and are constantly adding new topics to our program offerings.  The Institute of Government at FAU has coordinated approximately 2000 training workshops and seminars and 300 technical assistance projects for over 40,000 public sector employees within the last five years.

What We Provide

  • open enrollment professional development training programs
  • customized on-site training programs
  • certification programs
  • technical and organizational development assistance
  • comprehensive network of outstanding instructors and faculty
  • conference and event planning and management
  • assistance to statewide associations

With governmental agencies being asked to do more with less, public sector employees are finding themselves faced with more challenges than ever before.  Please let us know how we can help meet your training and professional development needs, or help redesign your programs and processes.  We are here to help you!