Prof. Stagliano Presents: Teaching Rhetoric and Professional Writing Online

Teacher Hacks and Snacks Presents
Tips for Teaching Rhetoric and Professional Writing Online
with Professor Anthony Stagliano
Friday, November 4 | 11:00am | Zoom

Teaching online offers numerous opportunities for courses in rhetoric and writing. Join us on Zoom to learn about how you can expand upon your teaching strategies.

Learn about...

  • Tips and techniques to better engage your students with rhetorical concepts and professional writing.
  • Creative ideas for teaching students how to write a rhetorical analysis.
  • How to manage online classrooms for effective discussions.


  • Student Online Engagement
  • Strategies and Lessons for Teaching Writing Concepts.
  • Online Classroom Management

Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 830 3171 1983
Passcode: sUny8Z


teaching rhetoric and professional writing online