Prof. Stacey Balkan Lecture, 2/2 @ 2pm, "Impacts of Capitalism & Colonial Occupation in India 1765-2021"

Professor Stacey Balkan
Narrating the Impacts of Capitalism and Colonial Occupation in India 1765-2021
Wednesday, February 2 | 2:00pm–3:30pm

On Wednesday, February 2 from 2:00pm to 3:30pm, Professor Stacey Balkan will discuss her new book, Rogues in the Postcolony: Narrating Extraction and Itinerancy in India (West Virginia University Press, 2022), as part of FAU Osher Lifelong Learning Institute programs.

From OLLI's program details:

Rogues in the Postcolony is a study of Anglophone Indian picaresque novels that dramatize the impacts of extractive capitalism and colonial occupation on local communities in several Indian states. A materialist history of development on the subcontinent, the project considers works by Amitav Ghosh, Indra Sinha, and Aravind Adiga, each of which critiques violent campaigns of enclosure and dispossession at the hands of England’s premier trading company and its corporate legatees. In foregrounding the intersection(s) between landscape ideology, agricultural improvement, extractive capitalism, and aesthetic expression, Rogues also attends to the complicity of popular aesthetic forms with political and economic policy; so too, the colonial and extractivist logics that often frame discussions around the so-called Anthropocene epoch – those which tend to ignore the uneven histories of industrial development across the Global South. 

Balkan Rogues in the Postcolony
Course Information
Date/Time: Wednesday, February 2, 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
Location: HEC 312 classroom on the 3rd floor of the Higher Education Complex at our FAU Fort Lauderdale Campus or via Zoom
Fees: Member - $20
Non-member - $25
One-time guest pass, Member or Non-member at the door - $25.

Please go to OLLI's Program Details page to register