MFA Alum Christopher Notarnicola Publishes Flash Fiction in The Cincinnati Review

Congratulations to MFA Creative Writing Alum Christopher Notarnicola on publishing "Steel beneath Your Chin" in The Cincinnati Review.

Assistant Editor Connor Yeck says:

Time slows, and space contracts to the tip of a knife in Christopher Notarnicola’s fraught “Steel Beneath Your Chin.” Framed by an altercation between a marine and staff sergeant, the piece lets us witness a reckoning with authority, order, and dignity. Tinged with a deeper, threatened violence, Notarnicola’s work asks us to consider the rules we create, are forced to follow, and personally resist—to search for that “place where sense is made.”

You can read Christopher's "Steel beneath Your Chin"—or hear him read it—at The Cincinnati Review. 

Read more of his writing at