MFA Alum Janelle Garcia Publishes Short Story in Shenandoah

Congratulations to MFA alum Janelle Garcia on publication of her short story—"I Am the Best I Have Ever Been"—in Shenandoah, Volume 70, Number 2, Spring 2021.

From "I Am the Best I Have Ever Been":

Amparo’s life took on a strange quality. If asked, she would have said it began when the crucifix nailed over her bedroom door fell during a thunderstorm, a storm that seemed to crouch just above her roof. Thunder and lightning simultaneous, twin flashes and cracks sending the jalousies clattering in applause. It was during one of those wall-rattling thunderclaps that the wooden cross jumped off its nail and split apart, Jesus’s head and the upper-right half of his torso skidding into one corner of the room while the rest of him tumbled into the hallway as the quaking windows demanded an encore.

Check out Garcia's story at Shenandoah and read more of her work at her website.

photo by Suzy Hazelwood

photo "Shallow Focus of Letter Paper" by Suzy Hazelwood; photograph taken February 8, 2018 and uploaded June 12, 2018; licensed for use at Pexels