MFA Alum Aiden Baker Publishes "Petrification" in Jet Fuel Review

Congratulations to MFA alum Aiden Baker on publication of their short story—"Petrification"—in Jet Fuel Review, Fall 2021, Issue 22.

From "Petrification":

 Edie wanted a smoothie, so that’s what she got on her drive home from the doctor’s office. She curved her Honda Accord around the hook of the drive-thru, ordered a Kale-Banana-Rama with extra chocolate, and sipped on the sugary, expensive, nutrient-dense drink instead of calling her kids with the news. They were adults now, working adult jobs, with their own anxieties and issues and troubles. What was she going to do, interrupt their day with a call, say Hey there, I know we haven’t talked in some months, but the thing is that I’m probably, most likely, dying? No. Sorry I missed your birthday, sorry I’m a terrible mom, but also it turns out I’ve got this insane disease… She parked in the lot and sipped on her smoothie. In the cloudless blue swath above the strip mall, a seagull was looping and diving.

Check out Baker's story at Jet Fuel Review , follow them on Twitter at @wake_n_baker and check out some of their other work at LinkTree.