Profs. Balkan, Bucak, & Stagliano Win Scholarly & Creative Accomplishment Fellowship (SCAF) Awards

Congratulations to Professors Stacey Balkan, Papatya Bucak, and Anthony Stagliano on winning Scholarly and Creative Accomplishment Fellowships for 2022–2023!

The Dorothy F. Schmidt College of Arts and Letters supports rigorous scholarly and creative endeavors. As such, each academic year, subject to resources, the college dean solicits proposals from faculty for a limited number of competitive awards to support faculty research and creative work. Applications are submitted electronically to the college committee on Research and Other Creative Activities (ROCA). The awards are in the form of an in-residence, one-semester, 2- course release. For 2022-2023, a total of 7 awards will be allocated.



SCAF Awards