English Department Awards, 2021-2022

Graduate Teaching Assistant Awards, 2021-2022

The Writing Program is thrilled to announce the recipients of the 2022 GTA Awards, given by the Writing Committee to GTAs in our program who have demonstrated teaching excellence.

Jacqueline Mullen has been awarded the Most Promising GTA Award. The Writing Committee was extremely impressed with Jacqueline’s award application, particularly the creative and thoughtful assignments she designed, her careful commenting on student writing, and her attention to the rhetorical situations of her assignments and students’ writing.

Rebecca Peter has been awarded Outstanding GTA. This is Rebecca’s second GTA Award, having also received the Most Promising GTA Award last year. The Writing Committee continues to be impressed by Rebecca’s commitment to her teaching, particularly the thoughtful design of assignments and support materials for her classes, and the careful attention she provides to her students.

Despite the talents of these awardees, the award decisions were not easy for the committee to make- we have many outstanding GTAs, and all of our first-year GTAs have demonstrated tremendous promise this year. These have not been easy times to be promising or outstanding- frankly, they are difficult times for even showing up adequate. I’m grateful for the energy, creativity and passion that all of our GTAs show, and for the faculty in our department that support and inspire them.

Outstanding English Seniors, 2021-2022
Maiya Xirinachs, Outstanding Engish Major 2021-2022
Darlene Antoine, Runner Up
Paige Keith, Runner Up
Kristen Martin, Runner Up
English Undergraduate Paper Awards, 2021-2022

The Writing Committee was happy to award 3 students with 2021 Student Paper Awards. Thanks to the committee for their careful evaluations of the award nominees, and thanks especially to the faculty and GTAs who submitted student papers for consideration. We only have the capacity to consider awards once annually, but I encourage you to take a moment when you finish your grading this semester and save exemplary essays from ENC 1101/02, LIT 20XX and ENC 3213 for future nomination for the 2022 Student Paper Awards.

Stephanie Anderson successfully nominated two students for awards:

  • Zion Strasser received the 2021 Best Project in ENC 3213 for their project, “Exploring a Career in Writing: A Scope and Feasibility Report,” from ENC 3213 in Spring 2021. Zion is an English major!
  • Trieu Vy Truong received the 2021 Best Project in Interpretation in Literature award for their paper, “Our Fatal Flaw,” completed in LIT 2070 in Spring 2021.

Scarlett Rooney successfully nominated Hannah Thomas for the Best Paper in ENC 1101/02 for their paper, “Barbie, Bratz, and Bubble Buts,” completed in ENC 1101 in Fall 2021.

Thanks again to Stephanie, Scarlett, and all the faculty and GTAs who took time to recognize their students for their good work.