FAU English Graduate Student Society 2022 Graduate Conference CFP; Proposals Due 3/14

Call for Academic and Creative Proposals
The English Graduate Student Society at Florida Atlantic University 2022 Graduate Conference
April 15 & 16 | Boca Raton, FL | Zoom

What does it mean to connect with others virtually? What does it mean to reconnect after a pandemic? How can we connect with each other as academics, as artists, and as humans, and how do we connect ideas effectively across the means available during and post pandemic?

We are seeking academic, critical, creative, and expressive works that explore all the various implications of connections and disconnections.

Please submit your proposals, biographical and institutional information using this Google Form (or flyer QR code) by March 14, 2022. For academic papers, please submit a 250-300 word abstract. For creative readings, please submit both a 250-word synopsis/rationale of the work and a 300-500 word excerpt from prose or poetry you will read.

The conference will be April 15 & 16 in Boca Raton, Florida (in person and on Zoom).

For more information please email fauegss@gmail.com.