Prof Andrew Furman Publishes Two New Short Stories

Congratulations to Professor Andrew Furman on publication of two new short stories—"Our Sargassum Problem" and "Not Everyone Gets to Go to Tennessee."

"Our Sargassum Problem" appears in Willow Springs 93 (Spring 2024): 34-51 and “Not Everyone Gets to Go to Tennessee” is in Grist 16 (2023): 41-61.

An excerpt from “Not Everyone Gets to Go to Tennessee":

We must have sat around the Grace Community Church parking lot beneath the bare-stripped oak and maple foliage for at least an hour freezing our butts off, my fellow scouts and me, just ten of us or so this morning (hardly the 100% participation our Scoutmaster insisted upon), slurping hot chocolate and eating donuts someone bought from the Dunkin’ that finally opened on Highway 1. Dr. Hargrove, our Scoutmaster, had this thing about us getting up super early even when it didn’t seem necessary and about not covering up our Class A’s with jackets during formal scout activities, which included canvassing for the spaghetti dinner. [ . . . ]





tennessee church

photo by ChiemSeherin via Pixabay; licensed for use under Creative Commons 0/Public Domain Declaration (CC0 / public domain declaration).