Tiffany Whisler
"Indigenous Knowledge Today"
Faculty Mentor(s): Prof. Stacey Balkan
Tiffany, on her experience in the English Honors Program:
I have learned that literature can be powerful in how it represents those who are marginalized and underrepresented. The honors program was really helpful in getting me to accumulate what I’ve learned throughout the English Major and focusing in on my interests. I feel that it has also helped me be able to articulate my thoughts better and interact with real world issues in a more meaningful way.
Abstract: This thesis pushes back against the idea that the United States of America is “post” colonial in the instance of the British colonies gaining their freedom. However, from another perspective, America can be categorized as settler colonial when considering Indigenous peoples who lived and still do live in the United States. Using Robin Wall Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass and Tommy Orange’s There There, I am arguing that Indigenous Knowledge can be seen as an alternative to or contribution to the western study of ecology. Additionally, I am highlighting the importance of sharing indigenous knowledge, culture, and stories.

Bio: Tiffany Whisler is a graduating senior in the Honors English Program. Her areas of study include post colonial and environmental literature. With her English Degree she will be working as a High School English Teacher in order to grow the minds of free and literate thinkers.