Israeli Politics Lectures
Ambassador Ido Aharoni
Ambassador Ido Aharoni is a 25-year veteran of Israel’s Foreign Service and was Israel's longest serving consul-general in New York. He held that position for six years and oversaw the operations of Israel’s largest diplomatic mission worldwide. Currently, Ambassador Aharoni serves as a Global Distinguished Professor at NYU's Program in International Relations.
The Technological Revolution and the Israeli Political Process
Thursday, February 28, 4-5:30 pm
University Theatre, FAU Boca Raton | Single Lecture: $25
Born in 1948, the State of Israel has not only survived repeated efforts by regional powers to destroy it but has thrived as a vibrant democracy and flourishing economic power. In this special one-time lecture, Ambassador Aharoni will explore Israel’s rise to statehood, response to threats to its survival, and emergence as a dominant power in the Middle East.
Israel’s Contemporary Challenges & Opportunities
Dates: Thursdays, March 7, 14, 21, 28 | Time: 4-5:30 pm
University Theatre, FAU Boca Raton | Series ticket price: $60
Residing in the world’s most dangerous region, Israel has become a beacon for democracy, civil liberties, market principles and military power. In this four-week series, join Ambassador Ido Aharoni for his insightful analysis of the challenges that Israel faces and its opportunities moving forward.
The Middle East and the “Arab Spring”
The Israeli Palestinian Political Process
The History of Brand Israel
US-Israel Special Ties
Single lecture tickets can be purchased by visiting, or by calling 800-564-9539. For the series ticket, please call 561-297-6124 or visit FAU’s Box Office in the Student Union (next to the Barry Kaye Auditorium), Mon – Fri, 10 am – 4 pm
Free parking in Garage II.
Image: Ido Aharoni, Consul General of Israel in New York City on Dec. 2, 2014. Laura Cavanaugh – Getty Images