Admissions Appeals

Please note: the appeals committee will not review letters of recommendation from relatives or letters attesting to the student’s desire to attend Florida Atlantic.

Florida Atlantic University identifies several factors in its application review process to provide competitive enrollment into the university. All information submitted with the application is considered along with factors of grades and rigor of high school classes, competitive ACT, CLT and/or SAT test scores, math curriculum, and the strength of senior schedule. While all appeals are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, an admission decision being reversed on an appeal has been historically low.

The Faculty Committee on Student Admissions Responds to admission appeals. An appeal letter and all supporting documents must be emailed from the student to Please add Appeal in the subject line. All appeals must include attached documentation that supports all elements mentioned in the student’s appeal.

Carefully review our appeal guidelines listed below:

Appeal Reason Recommended Supporting Documents
Grade Change – One or more of your grades was erroneously put on your transcript and the school has corrected it. A grade change is NOT a new semester of grades.
  • Appeal letter written by the student
  • Updated SSAR including changed grade(s)
  • Official high school and/or college dual enrollment transcript(s)
  • Letter from Counselor or Assistant Principal explaining the situation. Updated official transcript showing correction
Learning Differences  - Refers to a number of disorders which may affect the acquisition, organization, retention, understanding or use of verbal or nonverbal information.  Medical  - medical condition/illness/surgery that negatively impacted your grade(s) 
  • Appeal letter written by the student
  • Updated SSAR with first semester grades
  • Documentation may include assessments, reports, and/or letters from qualified evaluators, professionals, or institutions. Common sources of documentation are health care providers, psychologists, diagnosticians, and information from a previous school.
  • Suggested Documentation Elements:
    • Typed on letterhead, dated, and signed by a qualified professional (Psychological-educational eval, NeuroPsych eval, CPT, TOVA, letter from medical professional explaining condition(s).
    • State the medical condition, mental health, disability or disabilities.
    • Describe the impact or symptoms of the condition on educational performance.
    • If appropriate, discuss the severity and/or expected progression.
    • If appropriate, list medication side effects
Other Life Circumstances -   life event that negatively impacted your grades.
  • Appeal letter written by the student
  • Documentation of the extenuating circumstances
  • Updated SSAR including mid-year grades (if not on file already)
  • Official high school and/or college dual enrollment transcript(s)