What is a Peer Academic Coach?

Follow us on Instagram @fauacademiccoaching  
A Peer Academic Coach (PAC) is either an undergraduate student or a graduate student who can help you with honing your academic skills and getting connected. PACs can help you with : Time Management Strategies, Study Skills, Motivation, Note-taking, and specific tips and advice on how to be successful at Florida Atlantic. We also have Video Resources for you!
*Note: a PAC CANNOT ADVISE FOR COURSES or answer questions about your specific degree programs. For those discussions, please schedule an academic  advising appointment. 


To schedule a meeting, choose a Peer Academic Coach from the list below using one of the the two options:

    (1) Click on the PAC's schedulemeetingblue Button link found in their profiles.  

                                    - OR - 

    (2) Schedule through Success Network and filter for "Peer Academic Coaching" as the care unit.  

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Name: Sydney Worrall
Hometown: Homestead, FL.
College: The College of Arts and Letters
Major: Master's Student (Antrhopology); Undergraduate (Biomedical Science)
Year in school: Graduate Student
Interesting fact about yourself/experience: I have been to over 30 concerts! I also have a black cat named Noya!
What is your advise for success at FAU?: My advice is to find what works for you. Maybe it's studying in the library, or a coffee shop, or its listening to lectures while working out, even listening to the mario kart soundtrack while working. Just because it's not traditional study or life habits doesn't mean it's not effective!

Availability: Tuesday, Wednesday, & Friday

Schedule a Meeting

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Name: Connor Norusis
Hometown: Coconut Creek, FL.
College: College of Business
Major: Business Administration
Year in school: Sophomore
Interesting fact about yourself/experience: I breed over 20 ornamental marine fish and coral and own a mobile detailing business here in South Florida called Ride with Pride Detailing.
What is your advise for success at FAU?: "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." The worst thing that can happen is you learn something. When moment you start focusing on mistakes as lessons instead of failures, is your full potential is unlocked.

Availability: Monday, Tuesday, & Thursday

Schedule a Meeting

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Name: Joudeline Jeanlis
Hometown: West Palm Beach, FL.
College: College of science 
Major: Health Science (Health Administration minor)
Year in school: Senior
Interesting fact about yourself/experience: I was born in Haiti
What is your advise for success at FAU?: Balance! It is so easy to get distracted and lose sight of why you are here in college and your future goals

Availability: Wednesday & Thursday

Schedule a Meeting

If you don't see any availability listed, then try scheduling with another coach or send an email with your name, z number, and availability to mmartinez@fau.edu.

Interested in Becoming a Peer Academic Coach? Click HERE!