FAU Wilkes Honors College

Mark Tunick 
Professor of Political Science
Honors CollegeFAU
5353 Parkside Drive, Jupiter, FL 33458
HC 104 (office) | (561) 799-8670 (ph) | (561) 799-8602 (fax) | tunick@fau.edu

Recent publications

I am a political theorist and teach courses on the history of political thought, law, government, and ethics, including courses on Constitutional law, Punishment, Privacy, the Ethics of Social Diversity, Government of the U.S., and A.I. Ethics. Students at the Honors College take three interdisciplinary team-taught critical inquiry seminars and I have taught several of these as well, with professors in chemistry, mathematics, literature, philosophy, history, and anthropology.
My research and publications focus on some key figures in the history of political philosophy--Hegel, Kant, Locke, and Mill. I apply their theories to topics of current importance, such as privacy, punishment, property rights, and the right to bear arms.
At the Wilkes Honors College I have served both as Chair of Social Sciences and Associate Dean. Before joining the Honors College as one of its five founding faculty members I taught political theory and constitutional law at Stanford University.


Punishment Practices