Correlation between course grade and trait scores (all courses except ENC 3213)
Kendall's tau_b Trait 1 - thesis/purpose/argument Correlation Coefficient .142*
Sig. (2-tailed) .043
N 147
Trait 2 - Organizational statement Correlation Coefficient .130
Sig. (2-tailed) .053
N 147
Trait 3 - Reasoning Correlation Coefficient .130
Sig. (2-tailed) .073
N 147
Trait 4 - Evidence Correlation Coefficient .236**
Sig. (2-tailed) .001
N 147
Trait 5 - Rhetorical structure Correlation Coefficient .150*
Sig. (2-tailed) .038
N 147
Trait 6 - Implications and consequences Correlation Coefficient .207**
Sig. (2-tailed) .004
N 147
Trait 7 - Academic tone Correlation Coefficient .179*
Sig. (2-tailed) .011
N 147
Trait 8 - Disciplinary conventions Correlation Coefficient .163*
Sig. (2-tailed) .021
N 147
Trait 9 - Presentation & Citation format Correlation Coefficient .259**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
Trait 10 - Mechanics Correlation Coefficient .284**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
Trait 11 - Clarity Correlation Coefficient .219**
Sig. (2-tailed) .002
N 147
Trait 12 - Style Correlation Coefficient .247**
Sig. (2-tailed) .001
N 147
Sum score for Traits Correlation Coefficient .237**
Sig. (2-tailed) .000
N 147
QUALITY_POINTS Correlation Coefficient 1.000
Sig. (2-tailed) .
N 149
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).

Univariate Analysis of Variance
Trait totals comparing ENC 1101 with ENC 1102

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
Course Mean Std. Deviation N
ENC 1101 28.0588 3.86443 17
ENC 1102 29.7059 4.38682 34
Total 29.1569 4.25381 51

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model 346.504a 9 38.500 2.828 .011 .383
Intercept .000 0 . . . .000
Course grade 118.408 1 118.408 8.696 .005 .175
cum_gpa_hrs 4.474 1 4.474 .329 .570 .008
cum_gpa 11.570 1 11.570 .850 .362 .020
FTIC .000 0 . . . .000
gpa_hs 50.577 1 50.577 3.715 .061 .083
sat_verbal_score_max 4.387 1 4.387 .322 .573 .008
sat_quant_score_max 47.442 1 47.442 3.484 .069 .078
sat_write_score_max 8.220 1 8.220 .604 .442 .015
sat_essay_score_max 6.601 1 6.601 .485 .490 .012
ENC course 7.385 1 7.385 .542 .466 .013
Error 558.241 41 13.616      
Total 44261.000 51        
Corrected Total 904.745 50        
a. R Squared = .383 (Adjusted R Squared = .248)

Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
Course Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
ENC 1101 28.596a .920 26.737 30.455
ENC 1102 29.437a .642 28.141 30.734
a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: QUALITY_POINTS = 9.8435, cum_gpa_hrs = 25.06, cum_gpa = 2.9563, FTIC = 1.0000, SWRHTRN_ADMIT_GPA = 3.4694, sat_verbal_score_max = 509.02, sat_quant_score_max = 553.53, sat_write_score_max = 503.73, sat_essay_score_max = 7.69.

  Pairwise Comparisons
  Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
  (I) Course (J) Course Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.a 95% Confidence Interval for Differencea
  Lower Bound Upper Bound
ENC 1101 dimension2 ENC 1102 -.841 1.142 .466 -3.148 1.466
ENC 1102 dimension2 ENC 1101 .841 1.142 .466 -1.466 3.148
  Based on estimated marginal means
  a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

Univariate Tests
Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
  Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared
Contrast 7.385 1 7.385 .542 .466 .013
Error 558.241 41 13.616      
The F tests the effect of Course . This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.

Univariate Analysis of Variance
Trait totals comparing all WAC courses except ENC 3213

Descriptive Statistics
Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
Course Mean Std. Deviation N
ENC 1101 27.7143 3.57970 21
ENC 1102 30.0000 4.49390 42
LIT courses 29.7857 4.45798 14
NUR courses 37.4286 4.31559 28
SOW 3302 36.0000 3.46410 24
COM 1930 30.8333 2.92689 6
PHI 2010 28.6667 4.63321 6
Total 32.1135 5.46167 141

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared
Corrected Model 2218.769a 10 221.877 14.736 .000 .531
Intercept 1764.465 1 1764.465 117.185 .000 .474
cum_gpa_hrs .479 1 .479 .032 .859 .000
cum_gpa 11.867 1 11.867 .788 .376 .006
FTIC 2.887 1 2.887 .192 .662 .001
QUALITY_POINTS 112.986 1 112.986 7.504 .007 .055
crsmajor 840.562 6 140.094 9.304 .000 .300
Error 1957.415 130 15.057      
Total 149586.000 141        
Corrected Total 4176.184 140        
a. R Squared = .531 (Adjusted R Squared = .495)

Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
Course Mean Std. Error 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
ENC 1101 27.769a .975 25.840 29.699
ENC 1102 29.832a .806 28.238 31.426
LIT courses 29.814a 1.104 27.631 31.997
NUR courses 36.491a 1.173 34.172 38.811
SOW 3302 37.529a .945 35.659 39.400
COM 1930 30.505a 1.664 27.212 33.797
PHI 2010 28.170a 1.632 24.941 31.399
a. Covariates appearing in the model are evaluated at the following values: cum_gpa_hrs = 37.56, cum_gpa = 3.1342, FTIC = .6312, QUALITY_POINTS = 9.8802.

Pairwise Comparisons
Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
(I) Course (J) Course Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig.a 95% Confidence Interval for Differencea
Lower Bound Upper Bound
ENC 1101 ENC 1102 -2.062 1.044 .050 -4.128 .004
LIT courses -2.045 1.515 .180 -5.043 .954
NUR courses -8.722* 1.784 .000 -12.251 -5.193
SOW 3302 -9.760* 1.478 .000 -12.684 -6.836
COM 1930 -2.735 1.813 .134 -6.322 .852
PHI 2010 -.401 1.897 .833 -4.154 3.353
ENC 1102 ENC 1101 2.062 1.044 .050 -.004 4.128
LIT courses .018 1.415 .990 -2.783 2.818
NUR courses -6.660* 1.717 .000 -10.057 -3.262
SOW 3302 -7.698* 1.398 .000 -10.464 -4.932
COM 1930 -.673 1.727 .697 -4.090 2.744
PHI 2010 1.662 1.823 .364 -1.945 5.268
LIT courses ENC 1101 2.045 1.515 .180 -.954 5.043
ENC 1102 -.018 1.415 .990 -2.818 2.783
NUR courses -6.677* 1.568 .000 -9.780 -3.574
SOW 3302 -7.715* 1.456 .000 -10.597 -4.834
COM 1930 -.691 2.013 .732 -4.674 3.293
PHI 2010 1.644 1.913 .392 -2.141 5.429
NUR courses ENC 1101 8.722* 1.784 .000 5.193 12.251
ENC 1102 6.660* 1.717 .000 3.262 10.057
LIT courses 6.677* 1.568 .000 3.574 9.780
SOW 3302 -1.038 1.314 .431 -3.638 1.562
COM 1930 5.987* 2.215 .008 1.605 10.369
PHI 2010 8.321* 2.024 .000 4.317 12.326
SOW 3302 ENC 1101 9.760* 1.478 .000 6.836 12.684
ENC 1102 7.698* 1.398 .000 4.932 10.464
LIT courses 7.715* 1.456 .000 4.834 10.597
NUR courses 1.038 1.314 .431 -1.562 3.638
COM 1930 7.025* 2.012 .001 3.044 11.006
PHI 2010 9.359* 1.933 .000 5.536 13.183
COM 1930 ENC 1101 2.735 1.813 .134 -.852 6.322
ENC 1102 .673 1.727 .697 -2.744 4.090
LIT courses .691 2.013 .732 -3.293 4.674
NUR courses -5.987* 2.215 .008 -10.369 -1.605
SOW 3302 -7.025* 2.012 .001 -11.006 -3.044
PHI 2010 2.334 2.295 .311 -2.206 6.875
PHI 2010 ENC 1101 .401 1.897 .833 -3.353 4.154
ENC 1102 -1.662 1.823 .364 -5.268 1.945
LIT courses -1.644 1.913 .392 -5.429 2.141
NUR courses -8.321* 2.024 .000 -12.326 -4.317
SOW 3302 -9.359* 1.933 .000 -13.183 -5.536
COM 1930 -2.334 2.295 .311 -6.875 2.206
Based on estimated marginal means
a. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).
*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.

Univariate Tests
Dependent Variable:Sum score for Traits
  Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Partial Eta Squared
Contrast 840.562 6 140.094 9.304 .000 .300
Error 1957.415 130 15.057      
The F tests the effect of Course . This test is based on the linearly independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
