Students working on a home
Developing active Citizens

Message from the Director

Hello and welcome to the Lead and Serve site!

Here, you will find a variety of ways to get engaged in the community.

If you’re looking for opportunities to develop your personal and professional leadership skills, join us at a Lunch and Learn or engage with other just like you at the iLead or WeLead conferences.

If volunteering is more your passion, we provide Days of Service, connections to local organizations via our Volunteer Fair, and immerse alternative breaks throughout the year called Owl Breaks in which you will participate over several days being of service to a special population.

If being civically engaged is where you see yourself making a difference check out our voter resource page, our Constitution Week events, and all other initiatives we offer to keep you informed and prepared to be an effective citizen.

Lastly, if you are seeking a way to pay it forward by sharing the impact leadership and service has and can have in the life of others, we offer student employment through the Student Government agency, Students Advocating for Volunteerism and Involvement (SAVI) or become an ambassador of the department by joining the Elite Owl program.

Our department doesn’t just stop here. There is always a way you can lead and serve at Florida Atlantic so connect with us so we can make it happen!

Go Owls!

- Marlynn Lopez
  Director of the Weppner Center for LEAD and Service-Learning



The mission of the Weppner Center for LEAD and Service-Learning is to empower students' pursuit of their own developmental growth by cultivating lifelong leadership skills and engaging in experiential service learning to become more effective citizens in their community.



We are a Center that engages leaders of all kinds to become change agents.





  • Campus Vote Project Voter Friendly Campus program for 2023-2024
  • NASPA and Fair Elections Center’s Campus Vote Project Voter Friendly Campus program for 2023-2024



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