Dr. Emanuele Pettener

faculty photo

Ph.D., Comparative Studies

Associate Professor of Italian and Writer in Residence

Areas of Expertise
Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature
John Fante

E-mail: epettene@fau.edu
Phone: 561-297-3623

Emanuele Pettener was born in Venice, Italy, and has lived in the United States since 2000. He teaches Italian language and literature at Florida Atlantic University, where he received his Ph.D. in Comparative Studies in 2004.

He is the author of five novels:


Giovani ci siamo amati senza saperlo , Cagliari; Arkadia, 2022 (news)


Floridiana. Cagliari: Arkadia, 2021.


Arancio . Tropea: Meligrana e Priamo Editori, 2014. 


Proust per bagnanti . Tropea: Meligrana Editore, 2013. Amazon e-book


E’ sabato mi hai lasciato e sono bellissimo . Ferrara: Corbo Editore, 2009.

A collection of short stories in English:


A Season in Florida , transl. by Thomas de Angelis. New York: Bordighera Press, 2014.

In 2024 Floridiana has been translated into Spanish by Juan José Delgado Gelabert:

floridiana spanish

He is the author of the critical volumes:

oligo fante  

Nel nome del padre, del figlio e dell’umorismo: i romanzi di John Fante. Mantua: Oligo, 2023

when we were bandini

When We Were Bandini: Humor and Satire in John Fante's American Dream . F arleigh Dickinson University University Press, 2024. Translated by Zach Scalzo (FAU graduate).

Dr. Pettener translated (with Irene Marchegiani Jones) Joelle Biele’s book Broom. La scopa. (New York: Bordighera Press, 2014) and Anthony Tamburri's Scrittori Italiano(-)Americani. Trattino sì trattino no (Poggio Rusco: MnM Print, 2018). 

He prefaced and edited the special issue " Essere o non essere italoamericani" of the literary journal Nuova Prosa (Milan: Greco&Greco, 2009).

Both in Italy and in the United States, he published several short-stories, interviews with writers, nonfictions pieces, translations, reviews, scholarly articles and book chapters.

Book chapters:

"Preface" to A Window to Zeewijk by Marino Magliani. Bordighera Press, 2021. 

“Breve passeggiata nel giardino della letteratura italoamericana.” Gli italiani in USA: nuove prospettive di una diaspora secolare, edited by Anthony Tamburri and Silvana Mangione. New york: John D. Calandra Italian American Institute 2021. 129-168.

"John Fante and the Others: The Strange Destiny of the Italian/American Writers." Mediated Ethnicity: New Italian-American Cinema,.edited by Giuliana Muscio, Joseph Sciorra, Giovanni Spagnoletti, Anthony Julian Tamburri. New York: Calandra Institute, 2009. 45-54.

"Ethnic Stereotypes in John Fante" in Italian Americans in the Third Millennium: Social Histories & Cultural Representations, edited by Paolo Giordano and Anthony Julian Tamburri. New York: AIHA, 2009. 128-44.

"John Fante e gli Altri: lo Strano Destino degli Scrittori Italo/Americani" in Quei Bravi ragazzi. Il Cinema italoamericano contemporaneo, edited by Giuliana Muscio, Giovanni Spagnoletti. Marsilio: Venezia, 2007. 47-54. 


“When we were Bandini.” VIA. Voices of Italian Americana, 30.1 (Spring 2019). 71-84.

"Tra umorismo e satira: donne americane e donne italoamericane nella narrativa di John Fante."  Lettere aperte  (University of Innsbruck, Austria). Edition 2 (2015).

"Scrivere in America". Studi Italiani, n.1 (2014) .

"Italian American Stereotypes in the Italian/American Movies." LiCuS – Journal of Literary Theory and Cultural Studies, 4.5 (2009). 147-156.

"When in Rome: Interview with John Domini." Rain Taxi Review of Books (Winter 2008/2009), online edition.

"Ethnicity, Desires, and Dreams in John Fante’s Fiction." Quaderni del ‘900 – The Road to Italy and the United States: La creazione e diffusione delle opere di John Fante. Vol. 6 (2006). 89-100.

"Like Father, Unlike Son: the Novels of Dan Fante." VIA. Voices of Italian Americana. (2002). 11-22.

torricella fante

Dr. Pettener opens the 2023 John Fante Festival (Torricella Peligna)

Read the short story, "Oscar Wilde in Boca" published by Adelaide. Independent Monthly Literary Magazine. April 2019.

Read the short story "Scarpette gialle" published in LeccePrima, per la serie "Racconti Raminghi" a cura di Emanuela Chiriacò, 2023. It has been translated from its English version (published in the Michigan-based LitMag "The MacGuffin") into Turkish by Burcu Ozun, "Küçük Sarı Ayakkabılar" and published by the Istanbul-based LitMag "Hece Öykü" (n.119). The story has been discussed at the Italian Culture Institute in Beijing, China, September 27, 2023.

Watch Dr. Pettener's interview on the national news for RAI2 and for Telepadova, in Italian.