Humanities Chair

Humanities Chair

Welcome to the website of Richard Shusterman, Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities, Professor of Philosophy and English, and Director of the Center for Body, Mind, and Culture at Florida Atlantic University.
Email him at View his CV here.

Shusterman lecturing at a conference Lecturing in Seoul
East and West Panel Plenary panelist at Beijing East-West Conference
Shusterman with Mary Jane Saunders and Gael de Maisonneuve at FAU International Luncheon Receiving Medal from French Government (with presence of French Consul and FAU President)
Shusterman speaking at an art gallery Lecturing at Beijing Art Gallery
Shusterman with Jurgen Habermas In Dialogue with Jurgen Habermas
Shusterman praying At Daoist Temple on Mt. Taishan, China