Florida Association of Code Enforcement (F.A.C.E.)

audience at the conference hall

The John Scott Dailey Florida Institute of Government (FIOG) offers Florida Association of Code Enforcement Certification courses as well as professional development courses throughout the year.  Members of the Florida Association of Code Enforcement receive special pricing for the certification courses and exams offered by the FIOG.

The Florida Association of Code Enforcement  was established to study and advance the science and practice of Code Enforcement statewide through training, certification, and the exchange of ideas, information, and code enforcement techniques. In cooperation with the Florida Institute of Government at University of Central Florida, F.A.C.E. has developed  curriculum for  Fundamentals of Code Enforcement,  Administrative Aspects of Code Enforcement,  Legal Issues in Code Enforcement, and  Officer Safety and Field Applications.

For more information on F.A.C.E. and the membership benefits, please visit their web site at :

Fundamentals of Code Enforcement

Course Hours: 40 hours + minimum 75% Pass on exam =Certification in Fundamentals of Code Enforcement

Course Descriptions

  • Report Writing:  Learn how to gather information and prepare code enforcement documents while improving accuracy, clarity and conciseness. Includes preparing investigative documents, case dockets or summaries, and required formal notices. (4 hours)
  • Communication Skills:  Understand two-way communication with emphasis on listening skills and non-verbal communication; learn specific techniques for dealing with angry people and the use of verbal judo when dealing with the public. (4 hours)
  • Legal Aspects of Code Enforcement: Review the laws affecting code enforcement, from the U. S. Constitution to Chapter 162 of the Florida Statutes, including equal enforcement, right of entry, and issuance of warrants. (8 hours)
  • Property Ownership:  Learn to understand legal descriptions, locate property, and calculate the area of parcels. Identify various types of ownership and the methods of researching them. (8 hours)
  • Ethics:  Examine ethical dilemmas and guidelines, definitions, common rationalizations, and establishment of an ethical environment. Gain knowledge of the ethical standards of public administration. (4 hours)
  • Principles and Practices of Code Enforcement:  Learn how to apply basic knowledge and skills to daily activities. These skills will include enforcement techniques, inspection procedures, field communications, and call handling as well as legal issues requited to complete duties from the initial complaint to the final hearing process. (12 hours)

Administrative Aspects of Code Enforcement

Course Hours: 40 hours + minimum 75% Pass on exam = Certification in Administrative Aspects of Code Enforcement

Course Descriptions

  • The Manager’s Role in Code Enforcement:  Learn Strategic Planning, Visioning, Organization, Standard Operating Procedures, Budgeting, and Technology with this course (8 hours – New 2013)
  • Media and Public Relations:  When dealing with the media and the public, learn to put your best foot forward — instead of putting it in your mouth. Be proactive. Give effective interviews by developing a media strategy that will present Code Enforcement to the public positively.  (4 hours-Revised 2013)
  • Records Management in Code Enforcement:  Review the best ways to keep the Code Enforcement office data using State approved records management systems and complying with Florida’s public records law. (4 hours – updated 2013)
  • Employment Laws:   Implement sound, legal, and effective employment policies based on federal and state mandates, paying particular attention to dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace, using appropriate interviewing techniques, and general requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  (4 hours – New 2013)
  • Performance Management:  Establish a year-round cycle of performance management which includes developing and sharing with employee’s realistic job performance standards, conducting quarterly and yearly performance appraisals, and using appropriate coaching and counseling techniques.  (4 hours)
  • Stress Management:  Control stress and avoid burn-out by learning to recognize and manage the hidden and not-so-hidden stressors in life. (4 hours)
  • Time Management:  Manage time effectively by using principles of time management, recognizing and controlling time wasters, and delegating appropriately.  (4 hours)
  • Public Speaking:  Give presentations like a pro — in front of 2 or 200 people — using proven techniques to enhance professional style and get points across. (8 hours)

Course Hours:  36 hours + minimum 75% Pass on exam = Certification in Legal Issues in Code Enforcement

Course Descriptions

  • Mock Code Board Hearing: Following a summary of procedures which should be followed in preparing and presenting effective cases to the Code Enforcement Board, several mock cases are enacted by the attendees. Critique and evaluation follow.  (4 hours)
  • Case Development:  How to investigate and initiate a Code Enforcement case.  How to issue a proper Statement of Violation and Notice of Hearing.  How to ensure good service of process.  (4 hours)
  • Special Issues: Examination of special areas relating to Code Enforcement including repeat violations, demolition, right of entry, stipulations, fines, recovery of costs, and rehearings.   (4 hours)
  • Code Enforcement Board: Expansion of Chapter 162’s enumeration of the Code Enforcement Board’s purpose, organization, appointment, powers, role at the hearings and responsibilities as a quasi-judicial body.  (4 hours)
  • Evidentiary Issues: Standards of evidence necessary in a Code Enforcement Board procedure including relevance, rights of alleged violators and the Board, due process, privileges, Fourth and Fifth Amendment issues, hearsay, and use of public records.  (4 hours)
  • Local Government Ordinances: An overview of ordinance development including construction, format, adoption, and codification.  (2 hours)
  • Other Legal Options: Civil and criminal procedures other than the Code Enforcement Board process, including citations, injunctions, public nuisance penalties, and physical arrest.  (4 hours)
  • Mock Citation Trial: Following an overview of procedures to be followed in court appearances and differences with the Code Enforcement Board process, several mock citations trials are held, followed by critique and evaluation.  (2 hours)
  • Testifying and Demeanor: How to make the most effective presentation either before the Code Enforcement Board or in a courtroom.  The importance of proper preparation before testifying.  What to expect in the courtroom and how to proceed.  Suggestions to witnesses.  (4 hours)
  • Review of Legal Issues:  (3 hours)

Officer Safety and Field Applications

Course Hours:  30 hours + minimum 75% on exam – Certification in Officer Safety and Field Applications

Course Details

  • Presence and Stance (3 hours)
  • Practical Application of Skills (5 hours)
  • Conflict (3 hours)
  • Courtesy and Respect (1 hour)
  • Human Behavior (3 hours)
  • Human Diversity and Culture (3 hours)
  • Dealing with Persons with Special Concerns (1 Hour)
  • Substance Abuse (1 hour)
  • Officer Survival Considerations (4 hours)
  • Animal Encounter Issues (1 hour)
  • Hazardous Materials/Situations and Incident Command (1 hour)
  • Defensive Tactics (4 hours)

Course Descriptions

Defensive Tactics with Practical Applications

This course offers classroom and hands-on training for the Code Enforcement Officer’s personal safety.  You will learn strike and pressure points, proper blocking and striking, weapon defense, takedown, ground fighting, and escape techniques/

Note:  This course has a physical element.  Participants must complete a liability waiver in order to participate.  You are encouraged to wear comfortable clothing such as track or gym pants and tennis shoes.  This session is required for the Level IV training.

The content of this session should be regularly practiced.  A special DVD has been created to reinforce the information taught in this session.  The instructors will sell the DVD on-site the date of class for $45.00.   Neither F.A.C.E. or the Institute of Government will accept payment for the DVD nor is the content required material for the certification exam

Interpersonal Skills Training Part I:  Conflict, Courtesy, Human Behavior, and Diversity

Learn skills to better stabilize threatening situations including:  how to demonstrate courtesy and respect during times of conflict; understanding of basic individual needs; dealing with the complexities of a diverse population.  Note:  The diversity segment of this course will be continued into the next day.

Interpersonal Skills Training Part II:  Persons with Special Concerns, Substance Abuse, and Officer Survival

This session will continue the diversity training from session two.  You will learn to interact with special needs citizens, recognize physical signs of persons under the influence of drugs, and gain the skills necessary to remain alert and aware of your environment to ensure safety while on the job.

Field Safety and Survival

Learn the basic skills to handle an aggressive animal; how to identify and properly handle situations involving hazardous materials; techniques such as stance and demeanor to remain in control and avoid unnecessarily confrontational situations.