To enter today's workforce, whether it is due to recent discharge from the military, company downsizing or career change, there are some basic steps you should take:

1. Conduct a personal "skills" inventory
2. Research occupation, industry, employer and local economic
market at
3. Understand the application and hiring process with resume
writing workshops and interview workshops
4. Make a career or goal oriented plan (Example: Plan A,
Plan B, and Plan C)
5. Seek employment assistance from WorkForce One at /

The Local Veterans' Employment Representatives (LVER) and Disabled Veterans' Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists assigned to each of the WorkForce One Centers provide employment and training assistance to eligible veteran personnel and/or qualified family members. Each center offers job referral/placement assistance, resume preparation, workshops, in-house recruiting, training, a Professional Placement Network (PPN) and career counseling. We offer free use of computers, faxes, copiers, telephones and research materials to provide you with maximum support in your job search efforts.

WorkForce One also has counselors that can work with veterans to obtain additional training, certification, licenses with up to $6,000 in free government grants.

Please preview the following link for more details:

Within this page there is a link (Customer ITA List 19 May 2010) that has all of the available training and FAU is included in many of those courses.