NFPA 704

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The NFPA 704 System is a means of providing hazard information for a material. Each of the four sections is associated with a particular hazard and the higher the number the more hazardous the material is for that particular characteristic. The fourth section is to give information on special hazards. Below are the four sections and an explanation of each.


4-Mateials with a flashpoint below
73 F and a boiling point above 100 F

3-Materials with a flashpoint below 73 F and a boiling point greater than or equal to 100 F or a flashpoint above 73 F and less than 100 F

2-Mateials with a flashpoint above 100 F, but not exceeding 200 F

1-Materials with a flashpoint above 200 F

0-Materials which normally won't burn

Yellow=Reactivity Hazard

4-Material is capable of explosion or detonation at normal temperature and pressure

3-Mateial is capable of explosion, but requires a strong initiating source, or the material reacts with water

2-Material undergoes violent chemical changes at elevated temperature and pressure

1-Normally stable, but can become unstable at elevated temperatures

0-Normally stable

Blue-Health Hazard

4-Materials with an oral LD50 of less than or equal to 5 mg/kg

3-Materials with an oral LD50 above 5, but less than 50 mg/kg

2-Materials with an oral LD50 above 50, but less than 500 mg/kg

1-Materials with an oral LD50 above 500, but less than 2000mg/kg

0-Materials with an oral LD50 above 2000mg/kg

White =Special Hazard

W Water Reactive

Ox Oxidizer

COR Corrosive

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 Last Modified 11/8/16