The Above label is from the J.T. Baker Chemical supply company and is commonly found in most laboratories on FAU Campus. An explanation of each section is as follows:

  1. Numerical Hazard code - Substances are rated on a scale of 0(non-hazardous) to 4 (extremely hazardous) in each of the four hazard categories health, flammability, reactivity, contact.
  2. Hazard Symbol- A substance rated 3 or 4 in any hazard category will also display a hazard symbol. These easy to understand pictograms emphasize the serious hazards related to a substance.

  3. Laboratory Protective Equipment-This series of pictograms suggests the personal protective clothing and equipment recommended for use when handling the substance in a laboratory situation. The pictograms relate to the combination of hazards presented by the substance.

  5. The label suggests a unique method for setting up your chemical storage area. Compatible products are labeled with the same color. Simply group these colors together and follow the recommendations for appropriate storage.
  6. Blue - Health hazard. Store in a secure poison area

    Red - Flammable hazard. Store in a flammable liquid storage area

    Yellow - Reactivity hazard. Store separately and away from flammable or combustible materials

    White - Contact hazard. Store in a corrosion -proof area

    Stripped labels - Incompatible materials of the same color class have striped labels. These products should not be stored adjacent to substances with the same colored labels. Proper storage must be individually assessed.

  7. Spill control code - This indicates spill control kit recommended for the material.

  9. NFPA system



 Last Modified 11/8/16