AMPlified: Luminary

Schmidt Center Public Spaces Gallery: December 6 - December 23, 2019
Opening: Friday, December 6, 2019 - 1pm

For more information about AMP click HERE

This is an exhibition of the art exploration of youth ages 6 to 12. The Artist Mentorship Program (AMP) of the University Galleries Museum Education Program provides outreach art education services to youth in after-school settings. Undergraduate FAU students teach visual art classes at two partnering sites: The Naoma Donnelley Haggin Boys and Girls Club and The Boca Raton Boys and Girls Club. image from AMPlified of sculpture construction
image from AMPlified of sculpture construction



The Artist Mentorship Program of the University Galleries Museum Education Program provides outreach art education services to youth in after-school settings.

Undergraduate FAU students teach visual art classes at two partnering sites: The Naoma Donnelley Haggin Boys and Girls Club and The Boca Raton Boys and Girls Club.


Throughout the fall semester, youth challenged the concept, “luminary.” They were required to critically examine the various meanings of the term and expand their vocabulary through intrapersonal relationships. In addition to creating pieces, the youth addressed the color wheel from primary to tertiary colors as well as the concepts of hue, tint, tone and shade.


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