English Department Faculty

English Department Faculty

English Faculty

English Faculty
Adams, Robert Don Professor
radams@fau.eduDW 303Jph: 561-297-3830
Modern and Contemporary Literature, Gay and Lesbian Literature, Literature and Philosophy
Amadori, Claudia University Instructor; Asst. Director of Professional English Language Support Program
camadori@fau.eduCU 356ph: 561-349-7102
College Writing, Interpretation of Drama
Anderson, Stephanie Assistant Professor
andersonstep@fau.eduCU 326ph: 561-297-3830
Creative Writing, Creative Nonfiction, Narrative Nonfiction, Literary Journalism
Balkan, Stacey Associate Professor
sbalkan@fau.eduCU 325ph: 561-297-3830
Literature & the Environment, Ecocriticism, Global South Studies, Petrocultures & Petromodernity, Postcolonial Literature & Theory, Postcolonial Eco-criticism, Anglophone World Literatures
Barrios, Barclay Professor; Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies
bbarrios@fau.eduCU 338ph: 561-297-4573
Composition and Rhetoric, Computers and Composition, Writing Program Administration, Technorhetoric
Berlatsky, Eric L. Professor; Associate Dean of Graduate Studies; Director of the PhD in Comparative Studies
eberlats@fau.eduAH 211Bph: 561-297-3830
20th-century British and Postcolonial Literatures, Modernism, Postmodernism, Critical Theory, Comics Studies
Janelle Blount
Blount, Janelle Senior Instructor, Associate Director of the Writing Program
blountj@fau.eduCU 306Bph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Fiction
Bucak, A. Papatya Associate Professor
pbucak@fau.eduCU 348ph: 561-297-3830
Creative Writing, Fiction
Buckton, Oliver Professor; Department Chair
obuckton@fau.eduCU 306Gph: 561-297-3830
19th-century and 20th-century British Literature and Culture, Film, Gender Studies, Spy Fiction, Theory and Criticism
Cassanetti, Nico Senior Instructor
ncassane@fau.eduCU 331ph: 561-297-3830
Composition, Creative Writing, Interpretation of Fiction & Nonfiction
Cervone, Skye   Instructor
scervone@fau.eduCU 342ph: 561-297-3830
Science Fiction & Fantasy Literature; Literary Theory, Animal Studies & Biopolitics, 20th & 21st-century Literature
Chasteen, Nikki   Instructor
nchastee@fau.eduCU 350ph: 561-297-3830
Rhetoric, Composition, Technical and Professional Communication, Writing Center Studies
Chenovick, Clarissa Assistant Professor
cchenovick@fau.eduCU 353ph: 561-297-3830
Renaissance Literature, Medieval and Early Modern Devotional Writing, History of Science and Medicine, History of Reading and Voice, Translation and Multilingualism
Julianna Cohen
Cohen, Julianna Instructor
juliannac@fau.eduremoteph: 561-297-3830
Rhetoric and Composition, Writing Program Administration 
Criscuolo, Melissa University Instructor
mgarc112@fau.eduCU 318ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing I & II, Interpretation of Fiction, Interpretation of Nonfiction, Interpretation of Poetry, Interpretation of Drama, Introduction to Creative Writing, Professional Writing 
Dagbovie-Mullins, Sika Professor;  DFSCAL Diversity & Inclusion Committee Chair
sdagbovi@fau.eduCU 323ph: 561-297-3830
African American Literature, Literature of the African Diaspora, Critical Mixed Race Studies, Theories of Gender, Race, and Ethnicity, Popular Culture
Daily, Katie Instructor
dailym@fau.eduremoteph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Contemporary American Literature, American Immigration Literature, American Studies
Fedden, Victoria Instructor
vfedden@fau.edu ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing I and II, Interpretation of Poetry
Fox, Phillip J. Instructor
foxp@fau.eduremoteph: 561-297-3830
Composition and Rhetoric, American Renaissance
Fox, Regis M. Associate Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies
mannr@fau.eduCU 346ph: 561-297-3830
African American Literary and Cultural Studies, Feminist Theory, Nineteenth-Century American Literature
Tiffany Frost
Frost, Tiffany Senior Instructor
tfrost3@fau.eduCU 355ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Fiction
Furman, Andrew Professor
afurman@fau.eduCU 360ph: 561-440-3630
20th-century American and Multi-ethnic Literature, Judaic Studies, Creative Writing, Fiction, Creative Non-fiction
Madison, Garber Instructor
mgarber2016@fau.eduCU 340ph: 561-297-3830
Creative Writing, Fiction, Creative Nonfiction, Speculative Fiction, College Writing
Sheryl Gifford
Gifford, Sheryl University Instructor
sgifford@fau.eduCU 358ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Drama
Andrew Gothard
Gothard, Andrew Senior Instructor
jgothard@fau.edun/aph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Poetry
Hagood, Taylor Professor
thagood@fau.eduCU 343ph: 561-297-3830
American Literature and Culture (Faulkner, African American, Southern) and Critical Theory
Jacob Henson
Henson, Jacob Senior Instructor
jhenson4@fau.eduCU 324ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Fiction, Creative Writing, Professional Writing
Hinshaw, Wendy Associate Professor; Director of the Writing Program
whinshaw@fau.eduCU 306Jph: 561-297-3838
Contemporary Rhetoric and Composition Theory, Feminist Theory, Literacy Studies, Prison Literature, and Service-Learning
Jones, Steve Instructor
stephenjones@fau.eduCU 344ph: 561-297-3830
20th Century British, Postcolonial, Modernist, and Celtic/Welsh Literature; Film Adaptation; Comics; Art Rock & Concept Albums
Kelly, Warren Hill University Instructor
wkelly13@fau.eduCU 345ph: 561-297-3830
Professional Writing, Interpretation of Poetry
Klein, Sipai Associate Professor; Director of the University Center for Excellence in Writing
kleins@fau.edu ph: 561-297-3830
Erin Kiley
Kiley, Erin Senior Instructor; MA & MFA Graduate Advisor
ekiley1@fau.eduCU 329ph: 561-297-3830
Professional Writing, Interpretation of Poetry
Lettman, Stacy J. Associate Professor
lettmans@fau.eduCU 332ph: 561-297-3830
Caribbean Literature, Postcolonial Literature, Cultural Studies, Performance Studies, Africana Studies, Interdisciplinary Research, and Fairytales
Ma, Carissa Assistant Professor
mam@fau.eduCU 351ph: 561-297-3830
Global Anglophone Literatures and Criticism, Postcolonial Studies, Affect Studies, Science Fiction and Utopian Studies
MacDonald, Ian Assistant Professor
imacdonald@fau.eduCU 315ph: 561-297-3830
Speculative Fiction and Fantasy, African and Diasporic Literature, Postcolonial Literature and Theory, Utopian Literature, Globalization and Cosmopolitanism
Mason, Julia Associate Professor; Director of Graduate Studies & Prof/Tech Writing Certificate
julia.mason@fau.eduCU 339ph: 561-297-3830
Rhetoric & Composition, Professional & Technical Writing, Posthumanism, Cyborg Rhetorics
McKay, Becka Professor; Director of Creative Writing
rmckay3@fau.eduCU 320ph: 561-297-3830
Translation, Creative Writing
Medina, David Assistant Professor
medinad@fau.eduCU 328ph: 561-297-3830
Early Native American Literature, Sixteenth- and Seventeenth-Century American Literature, Book History, Critical Bibliography
Miller, DeAndra Instructor
deandramille2019@fau.eduCU 331ph: 561-297-3830
Composition, Creative Writing, Fiction, Creative Non-Fiction, Comics & Graphic Novels, African American Literature
Miller, Timothy Assistant Professor
millert@fau.eduCU 341ph: 561-297-3830
Science Fiction and Fantasy, Critical Plant Studies, Literature and Science, Narrative Theory, Game Studies, Middle English Literature
Mullen, Jacqueline Instructor
jmullen2019@fau.eduCU 322ph: 561-297-3830
Literature & the Environment, Modernism, Postcolonial Studies, Multicultural & Gender Studies, and Indigenous Religious Rhetoric
Oriogun, Romeo Assistant Professor
ooriogun@fau.eduCU 362ph: 561-297-3830
Creative Writing, African and Postcolonial Poetics, The Poetics of Migration and Exile, and Gender and Sexuality in African Poetry
Tamar Osborne-Parker
Osborne-Parker, Tamar Instructor
tosborn7@fau.edu ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing I and II, Interpretation of Creative Nonfiction; Black Horror and Folklore
Polak, Kate Instructor, Research Associate
kpolak@fau.eduCU 316ph: 561-297-3830
20th-21st Century Women's Writing & Global Anglophone Literature, Holocaust Literature & Genocide Studies, Creative Writing, Poetry, Comics, Digital Humanities
Potter, Richard University Instructor
rpotter@fau.eduCU 319ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Fiction
Frederick Redman
Redman, Frederick University Instructor
fredman@fau.eduCU 327ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Fiction
Scarlett Rooney
Rooney, Scarlet University Instructor
srooney2@fau.eduCU 352ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Drama
Salisbury, Lauren   Instructor
lsalisbury@fau.eduremoteph: 561-297-3830
Online Writing Instruction, Rhetoric and Composition 
Schwartz, Jason Professor
jschwart@fau.eduCU 357ph: 561-297-3837
Creative Writing, Fiction
Slotkin, Alexander Assistant Professor
aslotkin@fau.eduCU 349ph: 561-297-3830
Rhetoric and Composition, Technical and Professional Communication, Cultural Rhetorics, Jewish Rhetorics, Multimodality, Public Memory
Taylor, Taryne Jade Assistant Professor
ttaylor5@fau.eduCU 313ph: 561-297-3830
Science Fiction and Fantasy, Afro-, Indigenous, and Latinx Futurisms, Transnational Feminist Theory and Latina Feminisms, Utopian Literature, 19th-century British and Global Anglophone Literature
Thomas, Carla Assistant Professor
carlathomas@fau.eduCU 347ph: 561-297-3830
Old & Middle English Language & Lit, Medieval Poetics, Manuscript Studies, Medieval Gender & Sexuality, Vernacularity & Multilingualism, Diversity & Inclusivity in Medieval Studies, History of the English Language
Lillith Trewick
Trewick, Lillith University Instructor
ltrewick@fau.eduCU 317ph: 561-297-3830
College Writing, Interpretation of Creative Nonfiction
Trotter, Dorothea Instructor
dtrotte2@fau.eduCU 312ph: 561-297-3830
Transnational and Postcolonial Literature, Cultural Studies, and Intermediality Studies
Ulin, Julieann Associate Professor; Associate Department Chair
julin@fau.eduCU 349ph: 561-297-3830
Irish Literature, Transatlantic Modernism
Cynthia Wedding
Wedding, Cynthia Instructor
cwedding2014@fau.edu ph: 561-297-3830
White, James Instructor
jameswhite2013@fau.eduremoteph: 561-297-3830
Composition, Creative Writing, Poetry, and Professional Writing
Julianne Zvolensky
Zvolensky, Julianne Senior Instructor; Assistant Director of Writing Across the Curriculum
jzvolensky@fau.eduGS 215C & CU 324ph: 7-1017/7-2853
College Writing

Emeritus & Retired Faculty

Emeritus & Retired Faculty
Steve Blakemore
Blakemore, Steve Professor Emeritus
18th-century Transatlantic Literature and Culture, Edmund Burke, Thomas Paine, Joel Barlow
Faraci, Mary Professor Emeritus
Linguistics and Medieval Literature
Galin, Jeffrey R. Professor (Retired)
Composition, Literacy, Technology, Intellectual Property, and Writing Program Administration
Leeds, John C. Associate Professor (Retired)
British Renaissance Literature, Renaissance Latin Literature
Low, Jennifer Professor Emeritus
Shakespeare and Early Modern Drama, Renaissance Literature and Early Modern Culture, Modern and Contemporary Drama
McGuirk, Carol Professor Emeritus
18th-century British Literature, Scottish Studies, Contemporary Fiction
Mitchell, Susan Professor (Retired)
Creative Writing, Poetry
Dan Murtaugh
Murtaugh, Dan Professor Emeritus
Medieval and Renaissance British Literature
Scroggins, Mark Professor Emeritus
20th-century American Literature, Poetry, Modernism, and Post-Modernism, Creative Writing
Stockard, Emily Professor (Retired)
English Renaissance

Affiliated Faculty

Affiliated Faculty
Berger, Alan L. Raddock Eminent Scholar Chair for Holocaust Studies, Director of the The Center for the Study of Values and Violence after Auschwitz
rberger@fau.eduAH 118ph: 561-297-2979
Literature of the Holocaust, Modern Jewish Thought, Jewish Theology, Jewish American Literatureow
Shusterman, Richard Dorothy F. Schmidt Eminent Scholar in the Humanities and Professor of Philosophy and English, Director of the FAU Center for Body, Mind, and Culture
shuster1@fau.edu SO 124ph: 561-297-0851
American Philosophy, Aesthetics, Ethics and Political Theory, Philosophy of Language and Mind, Contemporary Continental Philosophy, Literary Criticism and Theory, Modernism and Postmodernism

English Office

English Office
Contact & Location
English Department Office
Culture & Society (CU) 306
email: english@fau.edu
phone: (561) 297-3830
fax: (561) 297-3807
Mailing Address
Department of English
Florida Atlantic University
CU Bldg. Ste. 306
777 Glades Road
Boca Raton, FL 33431-0991